I chose to be FAT!



  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    You can do this!! I use to be 314lbs. and size 28. I am now 201lbs and size 14. Happy in both places because I have God, and a wonderful husband sent to my by God. (Poor man has been through hell with all my health problems though).

    I see you are using Medifast. I did VSG. I think is was good to get the weight off fast because of the health problems I was having, but now that I have 20lbs to go it all comes down to calories in calories out and more important exersice. As you lose the weight try new exercises. I finally got the nerve up to try spinning class. I use to look at those people and think they were crazy!! I'm now one of them.

    Add me as a friend if you like. I love to see friends succeed, and I also like to help through the hard times too. And if you don't hear anything else, all our answers are in God, don't forget to read his book for guidance too.
  • mrsbattaglia
    AGREED! I can't even look in the mirror or at my pic without wincing. You know Paul says to put off bad habits by putting on good things? This site is my good thing. Instead of drinking wine and eating bad foods, I'm reading good books and eating controlled foods. What are your new choices?