New to this and New to type 2 Diabetes

Hi all, My names Richard and I'm an Alcoholic.................
What do you mean this is the wrong support group!!!!!!!
Hello, I Found MFP through the fitbit website having bought a fitbit one last week. been very impressed as the scanner function on my android phone and database are brilliant. (shame about the in app ads) anyhoo.
recently diagnosed type 2 Diabetic and that has given me more incentive to lose the pounds for that and to be healthier than i am or was. before diagnosis i had managed to lose 14 lb all on my lil own.
now i think it'd be good to have some like minded friends to encourage and inspire each other.


  • Hi Richard. My name is Ralph and I've been using MFP for just about a month now. I am 52 years old and was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic about 27 years ago. I wish I could say I had jumped on getting it under control but that is not the case. The bad thing about this diabetes is that at first it doesn't cause to many problems and I felt good with lots of energy and not to mention at that point in my life a thought I was invincible. Didn't really wake up till about 3 years ago I was driving down the road and suddenly lost me sight in one eye. Was not long till the sight in the other eye followed. I could make out shadows but could not see to read or drive. Driving was a big part of my job and here I was with four young kids and had no way to support them or even see them enough to tell them apart. The doctor told me that it was pretty much going to stay that way. Now let me tell you that will scare the hell out of you. And then to top that I ended up having a mini stroke on my left side. So here I was with a wife that had just gone back to school to finish her degree and four young kids. The following Monday I was scheduled to go to my eye doctor, for what I didn't know as he had told me it was what it was and would only get worse. However my doctor had to leave town for a family emergency and a doctor from MUSC in here in SC had driven in to cover his patients. That was the the best bit of luck I have ever had. He took one look at my eyes and told me to be in his office firt thing the next morning as there was no time to waste and be ready for him to operate. He did my right eye the next day and two days later I returned to have the bandages removed. Thank God I was able to see when the bandages were removed. After about a month he did the other eye and I am happy to say that I had the same results and did not even need the glasses I wore before I lost my sight. Luckly the stroke didn't cause any permanent damages and I was able to return to work. As I said earlier I have been using MFP for about a month now and by logging all that I eat have been able to drop 24lbs. which has made it possible to stop my four shots of insulin a day and to begin to cut back on my blood pressure meds and more energy than I have had in years. So even though it gets hard at times as the the tendences to slip back into the old lifestyle rears its ugly head stick with it so you don't end up on that road this nuckle head did. If I can be of any help please feel free to add me and we can encourage each other.
  • sparkyreb
    sparkyreb Posts: 5 Member
    Glad to hear the op sorted out your problem. What was it?
    My mom was diagnosed type 2. shes now on insulin and has retinopathy and all manner of grief from not properly managing it 25 years ago. Gas bubble to reattached the detached retinas. Cataract removal. you name it she's had it. Luckily for me I learnt from trying to help her all those years not to ignore the little stuff in the beginning as long term you're screwed. I'm on diet control and metformin twice a day and fingers crossed it will be managed that way and off the blood pressure meds myself also hoping for a long long time with no complications. it all hinges on me not slipping and losing the lbs
    Thanks for the msg.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hey there fellow T2's!.

    Thanks for sharing your stories and experiences. It's great you've made the decision to take control of your diabetes.

    If you're interested, there's a Type 2 diabetic support group at MFP here;

    I encourage you to have a poke around the various threads and ask questions when you feel comfortable. It's a wonderful group of people eager to share their knowledge, encouragement and support on your new journey.

    I've had great weight loss success since joining My Fitness Pal by working this program. Additionally, I've also managed to gain tighter controls of my blood sugars, reducing my diabetes meds in half as an added benefit.

    I wish you the same success and good health on your journey. Feel free to add me, I welcome the opportunity to be of any help I can.
