Love YOU ALL ;)

I am fairly new to MFP even though I downloaded the counter a long time ago. I just want to go on record as saying that I REALLY appreciate this websit/app. Each time I get on here (multiple times daily for about a month now) I learn SO much from each of you. I feel SO empowered to "JUST DO THIS!!"

I have been overweight since birth...was the "fattest kid" out of five (only a little over 7 pounds LOL). When I was in junior high my mom and I did the cabbage soup diet, some sort of "chemical diet", and once we actually purchased an ear plug of some sort to help me lose my appetite. It was ridiculous, but the ridiculousness did not stop there.

I learned to hate PE, which to me = excercise when I earned a "C" (my first one ever) in gym class in junior high. I had never failed at anything I had given my best. And yes, to me, C was failure. ANYWAY, long story short I am 41 now and I continued ridiculous ideas for weight loss that were effective for the moment, but always gained back the weight.

About a year ago, I got sick enough to get serious about losing the weight. All the doctors told me I was "just too heavy". When I began I was 263.2 pounds ( I am only 5.2 if you round UP). Naturally, I started out with another crazy diet...but I learned a lot along the way and I DID lose 50 pounds. When I couldn't sustain the craziness, I begain to gain. Ten pounds later, I found MFP community.

From the first question I posted there was someone almost immediately there to empower me with their knowledge. I now feel SO confident that I know I am NEVER going back. I know that I have a long way to go, but I am going to get there. I know that I can. I am making progress. I have now lost 56 total and I feel like this is something I can do for a LIFETIME.

My next big hurdle is to start excercising. I know it's not REALLY the devil...and I am getting stronger.

So, ANYWAY, if you've made it to the end of this thanks for reading. THANKS for your support. I really do love YOU and I hope that one day I will the be the inspiration that YOU are :heart:
