Share your day to day Insanity Experiences

pdiddy02 Posts: 33 Member
I would love to hear the day to day experiences of everyone doing Insanity - and how u feel while you are doing it, and which is the hardest exercise, and which one in your favourite....and all of that stuff!!! This can be an accountability group too!!!!

Let me share with you my experience, I just did Fit test yesterday - it was good too!!

So, here I start my Insanity Round 1 ! I did Plyo Circuit, and it was so intense!!!!!!!!! I was interrupted today during my workout while I was half way done with the warm up, so once I was back, I started from the beginning, and burned a few more calories...

The warm up didn't feel like a warm up, man!!! the 2nd circuit was the hardest one for me. I could hardly do the combo of the 3rd and 4th exercise of the 2nd circuit! The ski-jumps ( is that what it is called?!?!!! ) were hard, and I couldn't do a jump in jump out while on plank, so I just stepped in and stepped out ( modified it for me )... the jabs and upper cuts were fun!!

But I have to tell u guys, I felt so good, after I was done! the feeling is amazing!!

Eagerly waiting to read other experiences and stories....

P.S - feel free to add me!