
The idea of fasting popped into my head today, I was wondering everyones experiences with it, is it ok to workout while fasting? I've read about juice fasting, water fasting and raw food fasting, but I'm wondering how long I should fast for if I chose to try it. Cleansing my body sounds right, but I'm not sure how to exactly go about it


  • Timeforthesemuscles
    I advice you not to workout while your fasting.. Instead of fasting, eat clean and be happy!
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    i wouldn't... ive done short fasts before and honestly its too easy to end up just damaging... i wouldn't recomend working out either unless you do IF like I do in which case working out fasted may actually be beneficial.
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    It's not good for your body. Period, the end. Find a health food supermarket and eat clean. I'm not saying tofu and other unflavored nastiness, but organic produce and foods without high fructose corn syrup and other artificial nastiness. Cleanses aren't good for you either. They're short term so you don't usually suffer any long term side effects, but that doesn't make it ok.

    Can you run your car without gas or oil and not cause damage? Same thing goes for your body. When your body doesn't have fuel it will eat muscle and fat. It will eat both for fuel. So while you lose fat, you also lose muscle, and the more muscle you have the more calories you burn at rest.... more muscle equals a higher basal metabolic rate. So it's counterproductive to do this. Sure you can lift and workout while fasting, but again, you're doing your body harm and can injure yourself as you could pass out even.
  • casie8
    casie8 Posts: 17
    Yea, I figured working out while fasting isn't really the best combination, I enjoy working out for the most part, but losing weight is just taking so long, I've been eating better, I have my bad days when I don't eat the best, but generally I've gotten much better than I used to be. I've really only been looking at the juice fast, because you still get vitamins and such, but I think I would miss chewing, haha, thanks for your input :)
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Fasting is considered healthy in the realm of science, nutrition, and people that want to build muscle. Research has recently been coming together on it and it has a lot of positive results. Hard to explain everything but check out the videos below on how to do it right.

    Hodgetwins. Two buff twins that practice intermittent fasting. More of an entertainment set of videos but a prime example of people who do not lose muscle when fasting. If you can get past their intros, they give very good information.

    Eat, Fast, Live Longer Scientific documentary

  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I advice you not to workout while your fasting.. Instead of fasting, eat clean and be happy!
