Anyone want to be my friend? :) Tell me about yourself

Babarrosa1 Posts: 98 Member
Still pretty new to MFP but I love it :) I used to be a member of CC but got bored of it pretty quickly. The forums here keep everything live and it's fun to talk to people here.

A bit about me:

Barbara. 5'4. SW was 190 but I'm at 140 now. My original goal weight was 130 but now I'm really just focused on reducing my body fat percentage. Want to see if I can get it around 19/20%. It was originally 42.3% and right now it's 23.5%.

Started a new heavy lifting programme so we'll see where that lands me over the next few months!

What about you?


  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    Welcome to MFP! :)

    My stats: I'm 5'6 with a SW of 165, CW of 130 and a GW of 125. I NEVER thought I could even weight 135 again! lol. This app has really opened my eyes to the mistakes I was making and the harm I was doing to my body! I'm not perfect and I don't cut out everything, but I've made great improvements in my habits :)

    I work a very active job so cardio isn't an issue for me, trying to increase my strength training though and inch closer to the weight area at the gym :P Luckily we now have a 2nd smaller weight area so I've been using that for the past little while :)

    Feel free to add me if you'd like, I'm on everyday and log everything as best I can (even the bad days lol).
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Hi Barbara, I'm Ryan.

    Started out @ 234. currently @ 206. Originally wanted to get to 195, but I'm quickly shifting my focus to event training.

    I registered for my first competitive 5k in June & my first Warrior Dash in August.

    Hoping to compete @ 195, but more interested in finding the ideal body weight. What weight gives me the most functional ability.

    I don't diet. I am currently working on wk 6 of the C25k program & I am SO grateful that today new physical challenges excite me not scare me.
  • OnlyLeAnn
    OnlyLeAnn Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Barbara I'm Chelsea. I am from Memphis TN. I use MFP to help kp track of my calories and went I had wondered off for a few days but now I am starting over.. I have been working our for the last three days doing Shaun Ts Rockin Body and babe it is so much fun. I also do some squats and sit-ups at night before bed. I currently weigh 177 but I am looking to get down to 140. Most of my weight is in my stomach and butt...So once I lose the extra fat and tone up I will be well on bored to staying fit and keeping this fat off.

    Looking for a friend I wil b it. We can motivate each other...wish u well