Looking for friends that Inspire.

Hello, My name is Mary!
I'm posting this because I really would like friends to add me that comment a lot, give advice, and/or offer support.
That's what the community is for right?
I'll return the favor most definitely! I study a lot on the internet about nutrition and working out so I can answer many questions, or give advice. (:



  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    Please ? (:
  • marcon125
    marcon125 Posts: 259 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I am new to the community as well and doing my research. Up to this point, I had never kept a food journal before and I am learning quite a bit about my personal pitfalls. Would love to have a few friends to share in the journey.
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    A friend request has been sent.
    Congrats on choosing to get healthy you can do this.
    I am Yvette and I am 24 yrs old.
    I have battled being obese all my life too through highschool and college. Losing weight and gaining it right back too. I started at 227lbs and my current weight is 166 lbs. I am striving to meet my goal and be 150 lbs. I need to lose the last 16 lbs of my weight, but I know that I have to continue this lifestyle forever if I don't want to ever return to the old me. I am on here a lot to keep myself motivated and give support and encourgement. Lets encourage and help one another on this weightloss and fitness journey to a healthier us.
    We can do this
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    royvor, I added you. That's such an amazing weight loss and your doing fantastic! (:
  • Kxgz
    Kxgz Posts: 198 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am an avid commenter and supporter : )
  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    Feel free to add me as well.
    Always willing to try and motivate.
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    lol silly girl you're already on my friends ^-^
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    hey mary!! lets kick *kitten* its summahhtime:)) welcome
  • MzNikiDaDancingQueen
    MzNikiDaDancingQueen Posts: 18 Member
    I'm looking for the same. Add me n we can motivate each other. All adds welcomed
  • Chickcass
    Chickcass Posts: 32 Member

    Just sent you a request. Everyone please feel free to add me.

    I'm on here daily and do give support and motivation ????
  • Sawjer
    Sawjer Posts: 229 Member
    Feel free to add me and ask me anything you like :) We are all here for you!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I'm on MFP daily, comment lots and have an open food and exercise diary. Check out my profile, if you like what you see, feel free to friend me.
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    Thank you all for being so willing to inspire me :D
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    Bumpity :D