Happy Mothers Day 2013

SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
happy Mothers Day to all the Mum/Mom in the world

I hope you all have had an amzing day today

Please share how you spend your day

I wake up this morning with a lovely cooked breakfast and a gift card for a massage. and tonight the family has gook me a lovely roast dinner. its been a lovely day.

anyone can add me


  • AnJulNZ
    AnJulNZ Posts: 186 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to you too!

    I got a cooked breakfast also. The children made me some cards at school, then everyone took me out shopping for some new pants (mine are all baggy and flapping around, so much sexy). Couldn't find any that I liked though so we had a coffee instead. My girls gave me some bath yummies from Lush :smile:

    My husband is in the kitchen cooking some delicious fish for dinner, and I made him go get me cheesecake for dessert (I still have 900 calories remaining AFTER dinner is logged!!).
  • catmanor
    catmanor Posts: 85 Member
    My furbabies did NOT bring me any dead critters.. best mother's day pressie ever! lol..
  • hellokittymaui
    hellokittymaui Posts: 226 Member
    It's not even Mother's Day yet here. :) But looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow!
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    My Mum & I did the Breast Cancer fun run for the third year in a row


    And then I made a nice lunch for the family ^_^

  • skinnylady2014
    skinnylady2014 Posts: 101 Member
    Lovely post, Cole! I am happy that you and the other posters are having such a special day!

    Spoke with my mom (85) by phone, who loved the outfit I sent her. Received beautiful roses (reds, pinks, yellows) from my son and his family.

    Then this afternoon it's off to work I go!

    Happy Mother's Day!!!!