Not entirely new, but finally serious.

I've had an MFP account for about a year now, but I've never really utilized it until about three weeks ago. I'm tired of feeling like garbage all the time, so something has to change. There have been slip-ups these past few weeks but, for the most part, I have been able to change a lot of my bad eating habits and severely curb my sugar and caffeine addictions. Hopefully I can overcome these completely, in the near future.

I'm reaching out to the community in hopes of meeting some like minded individuals, maybe even some close to home (San Fernando Valley area). People who are also trying to better themselves and know fun ways to keep active (local hiking, fishing, bike rides, etc... anything really) and might want some company.

Even if you aren't local, maybe you have some advice that you feel would be beneficial in my journey, let's be friends! I'm willing to accept any and all constructive criticisms.

I'm not here to judge, or be judged. I just want to log my progress and hopefully make some new friends along the way. Feel free to add me and good luck to everybody!


  • _manikin_
    _manikin_ Posts: 6
    I struggle with suger and caffein addiction as well. I really need to rid myself entirely of the suger (with exception of most fruits) addiction- I have an inflammatory condition that is triggered by foods. I need to stop drinking pop- considering green tea as a substitute. The preparation can fill a void when I want to eat or drink because im bored, and it also takes off the edge of caffein with drawl? (probably because it has stimuli in it?? I should look that up)
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    good one you for changing yourself and getting serious

    anyne can add me