Personal Trainers



  • medic2038
    medic2038 Posts: 434 Member
    RT, what kind of comp are you doing?

    I might actually go back to the guy that I got training from, for a little "meet prep" type thing. I've not done anything like that yet, as I want to be leaner before I even try to compete. I went to the Arnold Sports Festival last year and watched the USAPL championships. It was awesome and humbling as hell.

    The USAPL New Jersey State Open Powerlifting Championships in August.

    If you want my advice, don't wait to lean out. If you plan to compete, just do it. It'll never be the 'perfect' time to go for your first competition.

    I do quite enjoy working with my trainer. He's strong as hell, knowledgeable, and has a similar personality to mine. It was money well spent.

    Well as of right now I'm in the middle of a PSMF to try to get down a little more before I start bulking in the late summer/fall. In anycase man I think I NEED to be leaner, my lifts aren't even in the same realm as the guys in my current class. My lifts have dropped a little from the PSMF, but once I'm out of a deficit I don't expect my performance will have gone down by much.
    Ryan Celli is the guy I'm talking about. I don't think he does USAPL, but there's about a million federations just like boxing.

    You doing raw or geared?
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I love my trainer. I'm pretty sure he's trying to kill me, but that's what I need. Work twice as hard with the trainer than I ever end up doing on my own. If it wasn't so expensive I'd go to the trainer every time I go to the gym! But we do follow his previous workouts when we go on our own so I still get the benefit of his knowledge even when he's not there.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Waste of money. At minimum...if you feel you need one...look at their physique/shape/ accomplishments...Is what they look like, what you want to look like? If they have a list of clients, and you can look at any of them, and where they started from, and how long they have been training, that would be a benefit too.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Well as of right now I'm in the middle of a PSMF to try to get down a little more before I start bulking in the late summer/fall. In anycase man I think I NEED to be leaner, my lifts aren't even in the same realm as the guys in my current class. My lifts have dropped a little from the PSMF, but once I'm out of a deficit I don't expect my performance will have gone down by much.
    Ryan Celli is the guy I'm talking about. I don't think he does USAPL, but there's about a million federations just like boxing.

    You doing raw or geared?

    Raw all the way. If it matters, I'm not anywhere near competitive either. I want to break 1210 in the 242s, that's almost 400 lbs shy of elite status, and there are plenty of guys well above that. You know what you're doing and are the best judge of your own training, but for me, the meet isn't about how much I lift in comparison to the other guys there. For me the goal is to properly peak in all my lifts, go 9/9 (and set a few PRs in the process) and have a good day.

    To do that I am aiming fairly conservatively total-wise (right now I am definitely in a great position to hit 1210 beltless, and I'll be wearing a belt at the meet), and am being careful about my diet and prehab work to stay injury free.

    I've heard of Ryan Celli, if you have an opportunity to train under him I think that would be an awesome chance to really improve your lifting (and obviously, if you do decide to do so, ignore everything I said and listen to the man).