
Hello! My name's Cristina. Don't quite know what else to put on this thing for the moment so I'll just throw out some facts:

-Born in the Philippines, grew up everywhere else, now back in the Philippines. Whew, full circle.
-Been doing the getting fit and losing weight dance for such a long time, you'd think I'd lose weight.
-Seriously wanting to get a grip on things now and just do it, never mind the slogan, I just really want to get a move on!
-I need help. I can't do this on my own here. Whilst I have my PT and some gung ho buddies at the yoga studio, hee hee, I need the support of like minded folk on the same path
-I'm a writer. I tend to go on spiels, tangents and the occasional war path, but that's rare.
-I'm keen to learn from people, keen to be inspired and keen to give what I can...

Well, yup, that's me in a nutshell. A bit of a tight fit in there for now, but I'll soon crack my way out of it. Thanks for having a read through, folks. :)