I am new and need help



  • AshleyStriner
    I am new to this too, I just started on Monday (got to start somewhere right?) I am going to send you a friend request. Congrats on the 3 #!! You can do anything you set your mind to. I decided to focus on portion control and actually tracking what calories I am eating to start and of course walking a couple days a week, I figure slow and steady will maybe work better for me then pushing myself to much. What have you decided to change?
  • MAvila66
    MAvila66 Posts: 13 Member
    Same boat Alex! Just got up and running tonight with a Body Media Link to see if monitoring will help. Currently at 260 (give or take 2 lbs) lbs, never been heavier. 4 years ago, started office job at 42 years old and its been all downhill from there as far as maintaining my weight. Believe I was at 215-220 lb before the new job which is still a little heavy but would love to be at that weight again. Struggle to get any exercise in.

    The Body Media Link makes sense. I should be able to monitor my calories burned and eat accordingly. We'll see what happens.

    To all, feel free to friend me in order to monitor the progress using the monitoring system.

  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Do NOT feel ashamed. We all have to start somewhere, and I know by the end of your lifestyle transformation, you'll look back on it and say Haha! That wasn't so hard. I KNEW I could do it. Be a fighter :smile:
  • sherrylynn56
    I have read a lot of post this evening and I have told people to add me if they like. But I am not to sure how to add people myself. I am not real good with computers. But anyhow Add me if you would like. I am 57 yrs old in a couple of weeks. A grandmother of 4 great kids. 3 that live fairly close. Only 250 miles away. But I don't get to see them often, but I also need to lose a lot of weight. I am at 220 and am 5'4" and that is way too heavy for me. So I know what it is like to want to lose weight and like to have someone to work with and talk with. So add me to your friends if you would like :happy:
  • alexsandstrom1982
    I am still taking friend requests. The more the merrier. I am doing great so far.