jealous of skinny minis!



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I looked at your photos and you are extremely thin. Perhaps you think they are skinnier than you and they are not. Also, are they shorter, or taller. If they are short, maybe they have a smaller frame, if they are tall maybe they look leaner because of the height. I was always very tiny when I was younger, but it looked to me like everyone was smaller and thinner. I just didn't see myself as being as small as I was because I was looking at myself from inside my body and not from the outside. The first time I saw myself on video I was very surprised to see how small I was.

    I agree with the others that if you increase lean body mass you can eat more.

    And, they are young. And they may be eating less during the day and then splurge all at once (their food choices may fit into their caloric needs). Activity levels may vary as well.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    So much hate and jealous people in this thread.

    huh? who?

    The people who are rooting that "it will catch up with them" to their skinny friend who looks like they can eat anything.

    Of course there's're on a post specifically about it. Even with the comments prodding OP about her weight and height, and how she's already thin.

    The "hate" on this thread, on the other hand, must have completely bypassed me. People must have a very broad definition of hate.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    So much hate and jealous people in this thread.

    huh? who?

    The people who are rooting that "it will catch up with them" to their skinny friend who looks like they can eat anything.

    That's not hating so much as it is the truth. What we do will catch up to us all eventually.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Of course there's're on a post specifically about it. Even with the comments prodding OP about her weight and height, and how she's already thin.

    The "hate" on this thread, on the other hand, must have completely bypassed me. People must have a very broad definition of hate.

    I hate you because you're skinny and beautiful.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Just worry about your own path. When we compare ourselves to others, we will always find something wanting. That's because we don't actually know what it is like to be someone else. They have their struggles, too.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    it'll catch up one day. or maybe they only eat around other people so it looks like they eat all the time, but really they don't? (i say this because i used to be like that, and i know people who are too. we will be out and they will eat and drink whatever they want but that is all they have for the day, or maybe even 2 days. just a thought)
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    I know a family that is skinny and mean really skinny. Mom is 49 something and weighs in at a wopping 93 pounds at 5ft tall the daughters are 31 and 100lbs and the other is 26 and 81lbs the son is 28 and is about 125lbs. The whole family and the grand kids eat like crap. Even at this tiny weight the mom was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesteral.
    It just goes to show you just becase someone is skinny doesn't mean they are healthy! You are doing it right and you will be healthier and age better because of how good you take care of yourself. Keep up the good work!!!!

    lol this sounds like my family. my mom is in the 90s (she's 4"10). my sister is the same height but has always been 110 or less (she works out a lot and had a baby not too long ago so she was losing that weight again, she's still tiny though), i am 5"4 and 105ish. my mom literally just eats and eats and it never catches on, but she also has thyroid problems. my dad was never overweight until he blew his knee out, couldn't really run anymore (him and my sister are marathon runners), so he gained a lot. but he has lost it since and runs again so it's all good lol. i'm also the tallest female in my family at a whopping 5"4. genetics are a funny thing though. i think it is more satisying to watch what you eat and exercise, and know you did it yourself and earned it.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    Eat McDonald's and drink lots of alcohol? It will catch up to them one day, sadly. :/
  • weesinglane
    weesinglane Posts: 44
    It WILL catch up with them. Nobody is immune from a bad diet. I was one of those very thin people in the 90's. I was a skinny kid, and a skinny teenager - I didn't realize the reason I was skinny was because I ate what my mom cooked, which was were generally balanced, nutritious meals. Therefore, I thought I could always eat whatever I wanted and it would not affect me. Boy, was I wrong.

    I moved out the house in my early 20s and because I hated cooking, I lived on fast food and sugar soda. I didn't own a scale, but over the years I knew my clothes were getting tighter. I was always buying bigger sizes because my current clothes no longer fit. I went to the doctor for a routine check up, and weighed in at 215. I was SHOCKED!!!!

    I kicked my own *kitten* into gear. I joined Weight Watchers and tracked my food diligently. I am now finally skinny again, and feel so much better physically and mentally.

    This sounds like me, although I caught it a bit earlier and so only ended up gaining about 20 lbs during my junk food diet phase. Growing up everyone always wondered how I was so thin and yet seemed to eat junk all the time. The truth was, I only ate junk about 20% of the time, which was the time I spent with them. The other 80% of the time I was eating my parent's healthy, well-balanced low calorie meals.
    You should check out the UK TV show Supersize vs. Superskinny, it really puts people's eating habits into perspective. At one point, I was eating nothing but junk food and not gaining any weight at all, but when I started tracking what I ate, I found that, while I was only eating junk food, I really wasn't eating that much. I may have had an extra large Big Mac meal for lunch, but that was all I would eat for the day. One day I had chocolate for every meal, but once I totaled it all up I found that I had only had 6 candy bars, which at 220 calories each, only added up to 1320 calories for the entire day. Chances are your friends are either not eating junk food all of the time and just happen to be eating it when they are around you, or they are not really eating as many calories as you think they are. Either way, it is more likely due to perception than the fact that your friends have vastly superior metabolisms.

    So true!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Just worry about your own path. When we compare ourselves to others, we will always find something wanting. That's because we don't actually know what it is like to be someone else. They have their struggles, too.

    This is so true!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Of course there's're on a post specifically about it. Even with the comments prodding OP about her weight and height, and how she's already thin.

    The "hate" on this thread, on the other hand, must have completely bypassed me. People must have a very broad definition of hate.

    I hate you because you're skinny and beautiful.

    I don't even know what you all are talking about. I think you are making a bigger issue out something that is not an issue at all.
  • Robin_Anne
    Robin_Anne Posts: 54
    Your friends might move more throughout the day. I was doing my official exercise time slot yesterday and was walking behind these two really skinny guys who looked to be in college with heavy backpacks. It looked like they were walking all of the way back to the downtown campus. Now, if it had been me, I would have taken transportation. They didn't appear to be trying to exercise, they just moved more throughout the day (without scheduling it in) and on top of it, were carrying extra weight from their books, etc.

    I totally get what you're saying about the skinny friends who eat everything. But, the more honestly that I've looked at myself vs. them....I've noticed that they are hugely more active than I am on a consistent basis. I'm definitely getting the relationship between being able to eat/drink what you may please in correlation to a lot more active life. If they sat around all day for weeks at a time and ate the same diet, they'd gain weight, to some degree. Also, the more sedentary one may be, the lower the calories one can take in without gaining weight easily. I'm learning that more and more while using MFP/food diary, etc.

    Even partying/drinking lifestyle can add 1,000s of calories (after the late-night foodfest when coming home drunk). And yeah, I wonder in amazement at people that are skinny but are out on the town all of the time. I used to live with a roommate who drank a lot every night but she'd never eat after getting wasted (not healthy for the liver or stomach lining). The next day, she'd only eat one meal with her co-workers (so to them it looked like she could eat whatever she wanted) and then she would not eat dinner. She'd just drink her calories in the form of cocktails/wine. I don't know. She may have been skinnier but she wasn't working out or eating healthy food and her liver was in the gutter (although since then, she's turned her life longer parties).

    For me, like you, it's really easy to compare habits with what friends do. I've been finding that it's more empowering to listen to what my body does and reacts to situations. If I drink then I'll eat waaaaayyyy ovvver my caloric daily limit and gain weight. I've seen it in my food diaries. If I don't, then it's much easier to manage and have the exercise make a difference in weight loss.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    So much hate and jealous people in this thread.

    huh? who?

    The people who are rooting that "it will catch up with them" to their skinny friend who looks like they can eat anything.

    that's not jealousy. i'm talking from experience. i was a stick when i was 19 and then suddenly at 37 i had a wtf moment when i was 140 pounds. i easily got back down to 109 pounds just by watching what i ate a little though. i'm not rooting for it to happen to these people. i don't find having a fast metabolism as something to waste my time being jealous of. there are more important things in life.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    To beat a dead horse, skinny doesn't equal healthy. I have a skinny friend who is diabetic and he was skinny even before he became a Type II diabetic. Another skinny person I know had a kidney transplant after high blood pressure problems led to kidney damage. Both people look slim on the outside, but their insides..well that was a different story.
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    Something I haven't seen mentioned is bone structure. I have a full face (squarish jaw) and what my daughter kindly calls "breeder hips." I have been underweight at times in my life....5'4" and 100-105 pounds. Still because of the face and hips, I did not look especially skinny.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    NEAT can make a huge difference. I often burn an extra 800+ non-exercise calories in a day just by normal (to me) activity.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    There will always be people that have something you don't. No matter what stage of your life, single or married. As already stated, life is just too short to dwell on what you don't have, what you're not. I vote for taking control of my life and making the most of what I have.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Of course there's're on a post specifically about it. Even with the comments prodding OP about her weight and height, and how she's already thin.

    The "hate" on this thread, on the other hand, must have completely bypassed me. People must have a very broad definition of hate.

    I hate you because you're skinny and beautiful.

    I don't even know what you all are talking about. I think you are making a bigger issue out something that is not an issue at all.

    What issue would that be? These comments never fail to not make sense to me...
  • Sqauterina11
    Sqauterina11 Posts: 60 Member
    i think the term skinny has been looked into far too much
    drink coffee and chillllllll :drinker:
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member