First Week Intermittent Fasting Fat Loss results

PcShed Posts: 84 Member
Hi everyone, a week has passed by on my first try at intermittent Fasting so here are my first weeks results. Before getting to that there are a few things that I think it would be useful to anyone that wants to try this.

As a individual I have a huge appetite so while attempting this i have made notes on how I was feeling and anything different in my moods, behaviours and general personality.

When I started, because I planned everything in advance including cooking my meals. I felt that I was not rushing around last minute after training to get food so my recommendation get your meals cooked off for the day in advance. First couple days I was not sure what to expect especially after feedback from other member at MFP due to low carb nutrition and the IF itself.

Day one was easy enough as I had planned eating timings for meal and training. My training session went as normal. Because I drunk a lot of water with BCAA before and during training I did not felt any reduction on energy due to low carbs. My sleep was good and woke up at 8.00am tuesday a bit sore from training.

Day 2 started well but noticed that I was breaking wind a lot, and going to pee a lot. I drunk 8-10 litres of water and continued to do so through the week. I did not not feel tired and looked forward to train fasted. During training I concentrated on variation of weight training exercises,(its been 12 months since I have been to the gym properly). My first meal of the day at 12.00pm tasted really good and I added a small green mixed salad with every meal. Sleep was good and woke at 7.30am.

Day 3 felt sore and a bit tired, but after drinking water with BACC and coffee, felt good. Every 30 minutes needed to pee. Main body part felt tight but no visual changes noticed. During training, I felt strong throughout and really got a good pump during weight. i started doing a small amount of moderate cardio at the end of workout and drinked 50g protein with liquid BCAA just before my first meal. Afternoon I felt pumped up, like I just finished training, a really good feeling. During the night I was full on energy and found it hard to switch off to go to sleep. Sleep was ok woke up at 7.00am.

Day 4 my body main parts like legs, shoulders and back felt full and tight. I noticed small definition on my triceps. During training started to concentrate on compound exercises. My mood this afternoon was quite irritable as my partner mentions to me that I was quite short. I personally did not noticed but as my girlfriend is aware on what I am doing, its great to have a 2nd prespective. Really enjoed the last meal of the day and always taken my time eating, finishing around 9pm.Continued to drink water and now find it easy to consume 10 litres. Sleep was really good and woke up 8.00am.

Day 5 started slow in the morning until I have my first coffee, weird taste in mouth in the morning but passed. toilet trip now every hour for pee and harding any wind. I fasted 19 hours, the longest I fasted without felling hunger. Training was fantastic. st start of training and warm up, my muscles get full very quickly and really feel stonger for the first 45 mins, towards the end really pumped up and nticed I hit my muscular moment failure within 12 reps of sets of 3.I finished off weight training with a good sssion of cardio doing internal running on treadmill doing 1 minute full on with 30 seconds rest for 30 minutesEvening meal tasted really good. Prep for carb up started and really enjoyed switching nutrition. My nutritiofor the 5 days was:

Calories: 2500
Fat: 167g
I switched this to high carb nutrition for 2 days:
Calories: 5000
Fat: 111g
I split theses into 5 meals started at 8.30am onwards. I continued with my water intake. No training during these 2 days. I also measured ketones in the morning and count was very low, so i think I need to reduce carbs further on week 2.

Day 6 woke up at 5.00am really alert and focused and no feeling of hunger. Drinked my water and coffee as normal. I did not really any hunger and enjoyed breakfast and eating every 3 hours. My muscles on my arms and legs really filled out and my partner comments how much wider I look. Also visual body fat looked less but still plenty there. I also think there water weight as I have increase carbs intake.

Day 7, woke up at 9.00am and felt a bit tired, my body felt tight and full especially my legs and shoulders.A good feeling and have urge to go to the gym but its a full rest day. I took my measurements and weight overall has gone up by 1.5kgs since day 5. I am sure this is due to carb up and water weight as fat percentage actually reduced to 0.2% in 2 days.

So my final measurements for the first week are:

Weight: 111.5kg - 245.3lbs

Fat: 26.8% 68.09lbs
BMI: 32.2
Lean Mass: 177.2lbs
So what this means, is it good or bad. Well very good but there's room for a few tweaks. Also my goal at the start of the week was to reduced body fat:
I have decreased my Body Weight by 0.4lbs
I have decreased my body fat by 2.41lbs
I have increased my Lean Mass by 2lbs
The tweaks certainly is to further reduce carbs as I can tolerate training under fasted state and energy levels was not impacted on my workouts. Hopefully this will help me further getting into ketosis state and continue to use fats as source of energy.
I found myself drinking coffee quite a lot (I love coffee) so I will added decaf and switch over to drinking green tea through the days on the second week.
For my second week I will increase my fasting to 18.5 hours and only have a 5.5 hours eating window. I found it easy doing 16 hours fast and I want to see if a longer fast will have any further beneficial effects. Also I will increase my sodium intake for 5 days and reduce it on the last 2 days to see if I can reduce water under the skin.
Here a link for video diary for the start and a week in:

4th May 2013:

12th May 2013:

I tried to put picture here with no success but check my blog as pictures been uploaded for the Before and After. Let me know what your thoughts, advice, recommendations:
Many thanks until next post.


  • rjjarvis
    rjjarvis Posts: 55
    Good job! Keep it up and let us know.
    I'm on my second month of intermittent fasting.
    I'm down about 28 pounds. I was down over 30 but my routine was disturbed by a family tragedy,
    Now I'm back on track and ready to lose the next 60 pounds.
    I look forward to my fasting days and almost feel relieved when they come, they make me feel better oddly enough.
    I'll try to pop back in the posting from time to time to track my progress, too.
    Cheers everyone!
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Sounds good, but I just wanted to mention something about those keto stix. They aren't a measure of how far into ketosis you are, if it reads ketones then you're in ketosis. Having a higher reading just means you need to drink more water. Don't worry about not having a readily high reading, you're burning fat, not sugar. That's all that matters with keto.