Another protein question!

Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member

I'm trying to up my protein, as my logging my food on MFP shows me I'm getting nowhere near the recommended amount and I know I feel fuller for longer when I have eggs etc for breakfast instead of toast/cereal.

I don't eat meat, but I do eat fish. I saw a lot of people were using protein shakes etc in their diaries so thought this might be a good way to up my protein.

I had a protein shake for breakfast today and it did fill me up. I've already loaded in tomorrows food, with a protein drink for breakfast and a protein bar for snack time. I didn't realise ( maybe stupidly) that they were so high in carbs as well! I assumed if high in protein they would be low in carbs. Duh!

I can feel myself getting in a real muddle about this? Any ideas? My diary is open, so feel free to have a look and comment. (Yesterday (Saturday) was a girl's day out and not a typical day, lol)

Any advice gratefully received. I', trying to do TDEE-20% so my daily cals are quite high.

