Very tender breasts...



  • BunkyBumBum
    BunkyBumBum Posts: 157 Member
    Fibroid cysts that are acting up, likely due to caffeine.

    I had some and had them removed, there are more in there but the doctors don't remove them unless they are painful. I'd see another doctor or ask your doctor about fibroids, they're very common and mine hurt like heck (almost a stinging ache).

    Caffeine makes mine act up, the ones I had removed were pretty much constantly painful, but every now and again I have a stretch where the remaining ones hurt a lot. I had them removed twice, the first was the size of a golf ball and then a year or two later I had two others removed, the surgeon said there were many more in there too small and numerous to extract.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Sounds like Fibrocystic breast disease. I've had it for a long time due to hormonal imbalances. Losing weight helped me. Thing is its harder to lose weight when hormones are acting up.

    Indeed - and yet, they all seem to say losing weight will be the key to solving the hormone problem (which caused the weight issues in the first place), so I'm trying my hardest!

    Lots of you seem to find that caffeine makes a difference, so I'll try cutting that out (or at least reducing it) for a while. I don't drink a lot of coffee, but I do have plenty of tea.

    okay i was trying to stay out of this topic which sounds painful, mostly because I have not personally had this experience but I was drawn to it because it sound painful and like you might want to look into how nursing mom's soothe their breasts while you get 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th opinions whatever it takes to get some releif.

    THIS is what made me chime in though. IF you quit caffeine KNOW that you may have withdrawals that can last up to 3 days and will entail fatigue and headaches. Hopefully you won't and/or they'll be tolerable....but i just had to mention it because with the amount of pain you're already in you don't need one more thing, right? So if you have to quit really slowly, weaning is fine and just research quitting caffeine or PM me if it gets confusing. I quit over the course of a year because I had to be really really careful. I'd hate to see you have the problems I did, but it sounds like it might benefit you.:flowerforyou:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hmmm, I might try the evening primrose oil as well, can't hurt, at least. I suppose it is somehow connected to my cycle, because they come and go, but every few months, they get huge and painful. And I work with kids, so I constantly have to stop myself automatically rubbing them...
    Yeah, it would be good if you didn't rub them at work.:happy: Give it a try. Mine is totally cyclical too, but taking EPO all month makes it so so so much better.