help :( i know nothing on fitness

Hello ! i am looking for friends that could possible help me. I hve no idea when it comes to fitness or eating healthy.
i have never really done any kind of exercise before. 2 days ago i thought i really need to get into shape. I have started to power walk or jog and dance for an hour a day Because i have bad torn stomach muscles from childbirth i got told i cant do situps or anything otherwise it will tear my muscles even worst. So what i want to know is running everyday and eating healthy help me tone and lose weight on my what are healthy things i could eat because i dont have a clue :( i feel like running is not enough ? thank u in advance


  • HannahSusan2
    HannahSusan2 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there,
    First, you should probably consult a doctor about the limitations of your lifestyle change, just so you know you aren't hurting your torn stomach muscles.
    As for the running, running will help lose weight (any type of cardio is key!) though toning generally comes from working those particular muscles (IE, with situps, crunches, planks, mountain climbers, all sorts of stuff) which could be dangerous for you. However, like I said before, it would be best to consult a doctor, that way they can tell you exactly how far you can push yourself.
    And as for healthy foods and knowing what to eat, you need to do some research. You should start by looking at how many calories you eat a day and where they come from (are they junk foods? veggies? fruits? etc.). Then compare that to what a 'balanced diet' is:, and then there's always: to see portion control (the hardest part!).