Managing PCOS Long Term

Background: I grew up MUCH heavier than my twin sister and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 20. I was put on the Pill and Metformin and have been on them ever since. (I'm just about to turn 30!). I'm 5'4" and went from a high of 178 lbs to a low of 122 lbs, and now I've maintained a weight of 135-142 for about 4.5 years through a lot of exercise and 'mostly' good eating. (I track my calories on the Lose It! app... was eating around 1300-1400/day for a long time but recently started lifting heavy and upping my cals to around 1650-1700/day).

So, my husband and I are starting to think about babies. I guess I'm looking for other women who have been SUCCESSFULLY managing their PCOS for many years. I sometimes start to wonder if I even need the metformin anymore, but I'm staying on it at least until I get pregnant (hopefully next year). If I could keep up my lifestyle changes (exercise, etc) after baby, I wonder if I can trust my metabolism to be more under control now? Any advice or similar experciences would be welcome!
