Hypothyroidism and weight loss



  • AnisaMG
    AnisaMG Posts: 154 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism 3 years ago. My dr's kept telling me I was "in the correct zone" in terms of my levels, but I knew that my body STILL didn't feel right. So 3 months ago I went to a naturopath who has been helping me balance my thyroid naturally in addition to my medication. There was so much I didn't know... Soy for example can hinder the medications ability to do it's job... I had no idea!!
    I have to say that I finally feel great! Actually I feel fantastic! And I am also finally starting to see some weight loss :)
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    I'm Hypo as well and have had a hell of a time figuring all this out...what the numbers mean for me. This whole thing has been like a crazy science experiment. Weight loss is simply calories in/calories out. Burn more than you take in and you WILL lose weight. The law is true but getting it to work consistently has been the tricky part. Here is what works for me.

    Consistency. I can't stress that enough. 2 weeks is the bare minimum I give a change before I judge it. My body is stubborn but it can't fight physics forever.
    I found my numbers (BMR and TDEE). The estimates were way off. I had to find my TDEE by experimenting. From there I took my cut.
    My macros are set to 40/30/30. This simply works best for my body. I'm also pre-diabetic so that plays a role in this ratio working for me as well.
    I have to NET at least my BMR. My body rejects too little fuel. It's not having anything to do with that mess. I have to eat enough.
    The type of foods I eat matters tremendously. I eat semi-clean. If my body spends too much time processing crap food it doesn't run well. I personally need things to be consistent and eating healthy fats, whole grains, lean protein and fresh fruits and veggies gives my body the best chance at working for me, not against me.
    I use my muscles to the best of my ability and do cardio for vascular health. Cardio burns cals but to see the changes I want to see and again, consistent as possible results, weights are my friend.

    All this being said I have about 2 weeks each month when I actually lose weight. The other 2 I'm up 5, down 5...but that IS consistency! It happens every month, I expect it and my body and I have come to an agreement about it. I don't flip out and start changing everything because "Oh crap I'm doing it WRONG!" and it lets go of fat for the other 2.

    Good luck on your journey to your best health!
  • AnisaMG
    AnisaMG Posts: 154 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism 3 years ago. My dr's kept telling me I was "in the correct zone" in terms of my levels, but I knew that my body STILL didn't feel right. So 3 months ago I went to a naturopath who has been helping me balance my thyroid naturally in addition to my medication. There was so much I didn't know... Soy for example can hinder the medications ability to do it's job... I had no idea!!
    I have to say that I finally feel great! Actually I feel fantastic! And I am also finally starting to see some weight loss :)

    I think I need to clarify - I am losing weight now because I have the energy I lacked before. It's very hard to be motivated to work out when all you want to do is sleep! Now that my energy is back I am pushing myself like crazy, and that is why I have started to lose weight.