Trying to plan food

Hello Guys,

Been on here a while now and have so far lost 22 lbs. I've let it slip the past couple of weeks but from today I'm going to cut snacking on crap (crisps etc) and focus on my training and cutting the fat.

I'm thinking the best idea is to start planning what I eat, do any of you have tips on what to eat or where do you get your meal inspiration from?

Wanting to cut the fat from my belly and tone up a little bit, all help would be greatly appreciated.



  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I get a lot of my meals from I also try to think of what I want to eat that week and what my schedule is. Will I have time to make oatmeal or will I have to grab hard boiled eggs and a banana for breakfast. For lunch I usually have brown rice, black beans, chicken, with some shredded cheese and salsa. I make the rice, chicken and black beans on Sun and then just make a burrito bowl every morning. Good luck!
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Even though I'm not on Weight Watchers, I like to use weight watchers recipes like at to plan my meals because I've had little failure with them. They do a good job at keeping the taste high and the calories low.

    Once I get recipes and ideas for lunch, breakfast, and snacks, I make a grocery list. Shopping only for what I planned helps a lot, because there are a lot less tempting foods in the house. I do have an advantage in that I only have to shop for myself, though.
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    I only put good food in the house and if I'm going to be out and about I take food with me, prep is the key. Keep hard boiled eggs, roasted veggies and cooked chicken in the fridge, and get used to eating loads of veggies ;)
  • rhysgerrard
    rhysgerrard Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks! Looks good :D