Which HRM should I keep

I've been eyeing the Polar FT4 for a while, as my wrist HRM has been giving me wacky readings (200bpm heartrate while walking down the driveway, for example) and I'm just looking for a little more accuracy without having to constantly put my fingers on the diodes while concentrating on other things in my workout.

For Mother's Day, my husband (assuming I wanted all the bells and whistles) ordered me the FT60. I kind of didn't want to spend that much moolah, as I didn't really think it was necessary. I don't think it's getting here until tomorrow, so I just have to decide whether to exchange it for the more basic (and less $$) model or keep it and take advantage of the extras.

I'd love some opinions/reviews from both sides of the coin. Is the FT60 worth twice the price? DH is very mellow and does not care either way what I decide to do, so there aren't going to be any hurt feelings at play.

Currently my workout consists of JMBR 6 days a week and Couch to 5k three times a week. When we finish up Jillian in July, I plan to continue running (will have graduated C25k at that point) and incorporate more basic strength training like stronglifts or something similar.

Thanks in advance!