What am I doing wrong? I feel like giving up. =(



  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    My advice is to figure out if you are really "lightly active" since you work 12 hour days on your feet and also work out? It seems to me that a person of around your weight and activity level would have a higher TDEE. It could be that you really are burning more calories in a day than you think and the 1650 you were eating was enough for your body with your level of activity but the 1100 or so you are giving it is not enough for it to fuel the furnace.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    First off, any and all assistance is greatly appreciated. A little background on me if you don't know it already:
    Age: nearly 25
    Height: 5'7"
    SW 271
    CW 249
    GW 190

    I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I'm exercising at least 4 out of the 7 days in the week, I'm under my caloric goal almost each day and under for the week by about 5k. I walk/jog 5 miles three times a week, and do strength training/weight training once a week.

    Prior to introducing any exercise whatsoever I dropped to 248 fairly quickly. Two weeks ago I added in the walking/jogging and weight training. After week one I gained and went back up to 250, and now on week two I'm 249. Am I doing something wrong? I don't feel like I'm losing inches anywhere, but at the same time I have so much to lose that maybe I'm just not noticing? I'm ready to give up, I feel stuck! =(

    From checking your food diary I not only wonder why you eat so few calories with all that exercise, plus I also wonder why you don't eat more fruit, and most of all more protein. The days I have checked, I saw no vegetables at all and very little protein. I don't think it's a good idea to live of half a banana, a spoon full of PB and a yogurt.. I also would encourage you to really check your calories. I just can't imagine that on the days you eat rice and broccoli that you eat only 10 grams ( that would be less than half a teaspoon full ).
    I think in order to lose you need to eat more, eat more variety of foods ( especially veggies and protein ) and you might just see those pounds coming off.
  • xRachTasticx
    xRachTasticx Posts: 65 Member
    To the last several people who replied, Thank you.

    I know it doesn't happen overnight, I just need to break my mental block about this. After this morning, and all the help you ALL have given me, I feel as though I'm ready to ignore that scale for a bit.

    A measuring tape will be added in, as well as progress photos every now and again.

    I will be sure to take into account those calories and start eating quite a bit more.

    @ang108 I do eat a TON of veggies. I actually have taken to oven roasting veggies quite frequently.
    If you looked at last week it is an AWFUL representation of my average eating. Again as I was busy photographing a wedding and ate wedding food and rehearsal dinner food (bad girl, i know!)

    I LOVE veggies. I eat yogurt nearly once a day, and love fruit as well. I could probably increase my fruit intake with no issues there, it's just a lot of sugar so I have been cautious.

    Oh! also, I ate SO FEW calories because I didn't know I was supposed to eat back most of what I was burning off. Something that will be happening starting today!
  • CatMcCheesey
    CatMcCheesey Posts: 143
    Get a trainer! They can be awesome! Also, measure yourself. I've lost about 10 pounds since January when I started... but I'm down 14 inches! Don't give up!

    Thank you, I started mulling the idea of a trainer around last week. Perhaps it's time to give it more thought.

    If you do decide to hire one, you might want to spend some time in the gym watching them before you choose one. The trainers at my gym run the gamut from awesome to total suck. I picked one who was always very focused on his clients and appeared to really love what he does - and I've been very happy with my choice. Good luck!
  • momo9128706
    momo9128706 Posts: 45
    Keep going girl! Quitting with make you gain everything back, plus more. You've come this far, don't stop now! I started at 208, currently 163. Still need to loose 33 lbs, but the first 45 took 13 months of good eating/exercising. I exercise 5-6 days a week. I'd look into more calorie burning exercises like Glider/Elliptical on top of weight lifting/running. You are doing great, keep it up!