
I've lost between 13-15 pounds in the last six weeks. I've been going to the gym for the past two weeks. Somehow I hurt my back and cant do much now, What can I do so that I at least dont gain that wieght back while Im down. Any suggestion would be great. jcbgs thanks


  • tiffvois
    tiffvois Posts: 1 Member
    If your back is injured, do not do anything else to put strain on it. If a certain exercise hurts, stop doing it. You could end up doing major damange should you countinue without proper rest.

    Continue doing what you're able to. Take this time to try some new, healthy recipes that are lower in calories since you won't be burning as many. Take a few light days and then try to get back into it.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I have back issues that I have been dealing with for the last 20 years... when I'm down and out the best thing I can do is stay down and follow Drs orders.

    The last time I was down, I had a discussion with the Dr about some type of movement/exercise and she suggested the pool. Not lap swimming, but just treading water! It works all of the muscle groups but has no impact. Before trying it, talk with your Dr first!

    Good luck, mend quickly!
  • jcbgs
    jcbgs Posts: 26
    thanks havnt been to doc yet. i plann on it either today or tomorrow to see what is actually going on. I hope I can contuie to walk as that doesnt hurt.Siting and lying r the worst for me.