ANhands Posts: 4 Member
Hey, guys!! Just found this app from a reddit thread and I think that it is fantastic!

About me: I'm a twenty-something college student who recently realized her all-time high weight at 205 lbs. So, I guess instead of the "Freshman 15", I got the "Freshman-Sophomore-Junior 50." I'll attribute that to my love of pasta... and beer.

I've struggled with my weight for a while, it has always made me feel incredibly self-conscious about myself; but I'm not going to lie, without my weight problems, I probably would not have grown into the relatively outgoing person that I am now. ("Welp, not gonna attract peeps, may as well charm the pants off some of them and have a good time.") I've accepted myself to this point and now just want to get healthier and ENJOY exercising and being able to run around without being out of breath.

I'm home now for the summer, trying to get into some form of routine, find a job, etc. before heading back to school with a better lifestyle.

SO, instead of actually tracking the weight and poundage TOO obsessively, I'm just gonna log caloric intake and my daily exercise and determine my progress by how out of breath I am after my daily workout. :)

What are your stories?? What's putting you back on track? What took you off track?


  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    You know its funny, our stories are almost exactly alike. Beer's a killer, man. This app/site is wonderful. I've been kind of lazy lately, work trips, networking happy hours, parties, you name it. So I'm getting back on my horse and hopefully my fat pants will become my loose pants...soon. again. Haha Cheers to the Junior-50...erm, more like the Junior 75 in my case. haha You should add me as a friend!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Had to stop in and say hi simply because when I read the title to your thread...I started to sing the song in my head! hahaha Welcome to MFP!!!
  • Hello All!! My friend has been doing this for a while and he has lost 40 lbs. and he's still going strong!! He told me it was fairly easy and since I'm getting tired of looking and feeling like a fat slob, I have decided to do something about it as well. I was healthy and in shape for a good part of my life (I'm 34) but over the past few years I have just settled down and said to myself "Exercise is great...tomorrow." I also want to be a good role model for my kids, letting them know that there are other options besides stuffing your face until you want to go to sleep and sitting at a computer all day.
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    Hey, guys!! Just found this app from a reddit thread and I think that it is fantastic!

    About me: I'm a twenty-something college student who recently realized her all-time high weight at 205 lbs. So, I guess instead of the "Freshman 15", I got the "Freshman-Sophomore-Junior 50." I'll attribute that to my love of pasta... and beer.

    I've struggled with my weight for a while, it has always made me feel incredibly self-conscious about myself; but I'm not going to lie, without my weight problems, I probably would not have grown into the relatively outgoing person that I am now. ("Welp, not gonna attract peeps, may as well charm the pants off some of them and have a good time.") I've accepted myself to this point and now just want to get healthier and ENJOY exercising and being able to run around without being out of breath.

    I'm home now for the summer, trying to get into some form of routine, find a job, etc. before heading back to school with a better lifestyle.

    SO, instead of actually tracking the weight and poundage TOO obsessively, I'm just gonna log caloric intake and my daily exercise and determine my progress by how out of breath I am after my daily workout. :)

    What are your stories?? What's putting you back on track? What took you off track?

    Welcome :smile:

    My weight has yoyo-ed for a long time. In my freshman year of college I dropped 25 lbs simply by biking around campus, taking the stairs (I was on the 4th floor), not eating enough (two meals a day: cereal, then easy mac), a sickening coffee habit and smoking a pack a day. Then I started eating horrible foods, stopped biking, didn't live 4 stories up, and kept smoking. I gained 50 lbs between 2004 and 2007. Lost 30 lbs when I broke up with the bf, but again, not the healthy way. Gained back 25, went on Medifast and lost 20 (plus $$$/month). Gained again when I started eating real food and ended up at my heaviest of 185 this past December. I quit smoking over the summer finally. The week of Christmas I panicked about the disgusting amount of food I was about to consume at my fiance's parent's house and decided to start running and tracking my food here. Since Christmas I've lost 28 lb. the healthy way for the first time in my life, and it feels awesome - partly from losing the weight, but mostly from accomplishing something. I know I've got a problem with food and body image- I can't see the changes in my body as I lose weight, unless I look at before&after pictures. I love the community aspect here - although people get as fanatical about diet theories as can happen with politics or religion. I say as long as what you're doing is healthy (and being backed by peer-reviewed studies helps), go you. But there's no magic pill, no magic shake, no miracle fat-busting food, no magical oils. It's 80% what you eat and 20% how you move your body, and you get out what you put in. What I've decided is right for me, is eating healthy and living healthy. I'm not on a diet. I'm not exercising because I'm engaged. I'm making a new lifestyle for myself, this is permanent. It has to be. A temporary diet bring temporary results.
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    I've always had body issues, but in high school when I started cheerleading and being more active I slimmed down quite a bit, although I never had a healthy relationship with food. After I graduated, I didn't work out or do anything active in college and the bad eating habits caught up with me. I've gained about 40 lbs since starting college and since I gained it so slowly I hardly noticed. I'd notice I had to buy bigger clothes and that a trip up the stairs would damn near kill me but the connection to weight gain wasn't there for me. It wasn't until January of this year when I had a doctor's appointment to start a new birth control and got weighed that I saw how much I had gained in the past 4 and a half years. It was mortifying and when I left the appointment I cried.

    I've tried dieting in the past, but like all diets I quickly lost interest when I didn't see rapid results (I'm talking one week here). I'm not sure what made it stick this time honestly but I do know I love the changes I've made in myself over the past four months. When times get tough (and believe me, they will), stick to it! Make a vision board, light a candle, say a prayer, whatever gets you through the rough spots. It'll all be worth it in the end :smile:
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    You may add me on condition that you are actually a David Bowie fan.

    "Still don't know what I was waiting for
    And my time was running wild
    A million dead-end streets and
    Every time I thought I'd got it made
    It seemed the taste was not so sweet
    So I turned myself to face me
    But Ive never caught a glimpse
    Of how the others must see the faker
    Im much too fast to take that test"
  • tom10239487
    tom10239487 Posts: 19
    Restraining myself from pasta is possibly the hardest part for me too... I've been working out every now and then for the last year or so, trying to get into better shape. But it wasnt until a few months ago that I really started to take it seriously. And honestly I think the most useful thing to stay on track has been keeping a workout diary! There's no worse feeling than slinking over to my diary to write down that I've skipped a workout... and nothing more satisfying than filling it in after having given it my all!
    It's kinda silly how the one time I pick to focus intently on exercising and eating healthily is during my uni finals... As it seems to take up a surprising amount of time and thought!
    But I agree that this site is great, mainly for keeping track of what I'm eating, as it gives me that same feeling of guilt when I eat something bad :happy: