Insanity, P90X, Tapout or Other Does It Work?



  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks for all your input everyone. Right now I really need to lose fat so I think I will start out with insanity then move on to P90X.
  • Fuax75
    Fuax75 Posts: 70 Member
    My wife and I have been doing Tap Out XT for 2 weeks now (just started week three yesterday) and we love it, OK OK I love it, wife probably wants me dead for starting this LOL!!!! It is a great mix of strength and cardio and the dvd's are fun. I have had to tighten my belt recently because of it and my wife is getting the *kitten* she had before three kids (maybe that's why I am loving it). All three are great workouts anything that can get you up and moving is a plus. In my opinion I would rate them as such P90X--strength, Insanity--Cardio, and Tap Out XT--strength/cardio mix. So you can pick your poison!!!
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm about a month away from building up my fitness for Insanity.

    I think that you can certainly make great gains (or, should I say, losses) with these - if you want to build up towards it you can do other exercise dvds too. I made myself a little training schedule - I'm nearly done with good old Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, have started adding her other two DVD's (Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No Nore Trouble Zones) on alternating days.

    I can tell you that I've seen considerable differences in my bodyshape in these three weeks and so far I've lost around an inch from my waist and around 5 lbs lost.

    After this week it's onto Ripped in 30 (for 30 days) and Jillian's other two DVD's, then a bit of Bob Harper before then attempting Insanity... :-/

    I'd say that things like this work amazingly well - I guess it all depends on how much effort you put into it. I also guess that the number of DVD's I've bought that aren't Insanity almost add up to the cost of the Insanity package anyway!

    I must day that I like the variety in knowing that certain DVD's like 30 Day Shred can be over in 30 days (starting to get sick of it) and it's good to mix things up so you don't get bored. I know some people get a bit bored of Insanity, but I'm guessing if I can manage 30 days of a particular Jillian DVD in a row (and therefore technically it'll be 60 days of Jillian in a row) that I can manage 60 days of Shawn T in a row...
  • tiggern24
    tiggern24 Posts: 19 Member
    My wife and I have been doing Tap Out XT for 2 weeks now (just started week three yesterday) and we love it, OK OK I love it, wife probably wants me dead for starting this LOL!!!! It is a great mix of strength and cardio and the dvd's are fun. I have had to tighten my belt recently because of it and my wife is getting the *kitten* she had before three kids (maybe that's why I am loving it). All three are great workouts anything that can get you up and moving is a plus. In my opinion I would rate them as such P90X--strength, Insanity--Cardio, and Tap Out XT--strength/cardio mix. So you can pick your poison!!!

    I love TapouT XT!! I never get bored and it is always challenging!
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member

    I've heard great things about all of them but the only one I have done is Insanity and yes it works. I went from zero definition to now being toned and healthy. It's tough but if you keep at it and don't give up you will see results.
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    Anything will work as long as you stick with it . Seriously every exercise program is gonna foster results problem is most people who start never finish or fall off the wagon

    Yep! A lot of people probably could save money if they bought 60 or 90 day programs that cost $40 or less instead of the $80+ ones in order to lose weight. I would hate to pay $80+ and not use the program and it collect cob webs on a shelf.
  • jalloggio
    jalloggio Posts: 141
    Has anyone out there had any great sucess with any of workout programs? They look fun but Im not sure I am in good enough shape to try them out and I dont want to get frustrated and give up after I spend all that money. I have about 70-80 pounds to loose and I have been doing a group bootcamp twice a week for the last six months. But now that is over and Im looking for something else to take its place. Does anyone have an feedback on any of these programs, what worked, what didnt. DId you hate it or love it. Any recommendations would help. Thanks!

    Were you JUST doing the bootcamp 2x a week and nothing else? If so that may be your first problem.

    P90X is good i wouldn't recommend it to a beginner though, anything will give you results if you stick to it and keep a proper diet plan.

    Anything that will have you exercising 5x a week is gonna give you results especially if you keep a caloric deficit. I tell all my clients if they are only seeing me once or twice a week they won't get the results they need, so they need to be exercising on days i dont see them. My most successful clients are those who work with me 2-3 times a week and fill in the other days of the week with their own workouts, AND keep a proper diet

    So the answer is YES or NO, YES if you stick to it and keep proper diet, NO if you give up and don't eat right OR you do it but go down 8 slices of pizza after your workout!
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    On my last week of Insanity and it works great.. I can't do everything they do..I do it at my pace and I can tell you it works..

    Most of it is mental..if you think you can do will...
  • ailixia
    ailixia Posts: 23 Member
    I've been doing P90X for a while now, I have three more weeks to go. I must say that I don't see the results I would have liked to see. Not sure why, my friend has been doing it with me and he looks super fit now.
    It's been fun though and I do feel fitter. Just don't see a lot of physical results... Not sure what I'll do after. Feel like I can't go back now to not working out every day, haha.
  • kypin00
    kypin00 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for all your input everyone. Right now I really need to lose fat so I think I will start out with insanity then move on to P90X.

    Biggest way to increase fat loss is to increase muscle mass. More muscle = higher daily caloric burn.

    You can choose to do cardio or strength or whatever you feel like doing to get started, but my personal recommendation would be a good solid foundation of both for the best gains.

    And throw out the scale, all it does is give you bad information anyways. The constantly seeking approval from the scale can make you feel like you're not progressing, when you are actually making huge gains in the right direction. I would have to find it again, but there was an image of a lady at 130 lbs who said she wanted to lose 10 lbs. Then there was a picture after showing her all slimmed down with great muscle definition....she was actually weighing in about 10 lbs more than she started. (she did crossfit).

    Shoot for feel good and look good, weight is relative.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member

    I've heard great things about all of them but the only one I have done is Insanity and yes it works. I went from zero definition to now being toned and healthy. It's tough but if you keep at it and don't give up you will see results.

    Only one word is needed...............DAMN!!!
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Insanity is fabulous.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I'm about to finish P90X... I haven't been all that consistent with it due to illness and vacations, so it has taken me about 4 months rather than 3. It "works" if you stick with it and eat right. I love P90X and I think I will go back to a lot of the workouts.
  • nikkerbob
    nikkerbob Posts: 78 Member
    I'm going to be starting insanity on Monday,,. I did do P90X about 2 years ago, and with it and not eating any junk and no bozze, I lost about 30 pounds.. I'm hoping doing Insanity can give me some results and help me lose some inches !!!!!!