


  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    I am not going to feed you that "words can not hurt you" bullcrap , because they freakin' can and do. But, screw those jerks and stick up for yourself. Bite back. Don't absorb their comments; deflect them.

    I kinda agree with this..
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Misery loves company. Just stick to what you are doing and ignore them, in time when you are all awesome looking they will be the ones embarrassed.
  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    Wear some headphones and enjoy some feel-good, heart pumping music while you train. This way you can tune them out and it may help you to get and stay in the zone without having to listen to their nonsense. I have Rhapsody on my phone and currently have 200+ songs "saved" to my phone (so i don't need a data connection to play the songs). Even though Rhapsody is $8 or so a month I like that I have access to millions of songs and can swap out and "borrow" as much as I want for as long as I want (or until I stop paying the $8 haha)

    Glad to hear you're not giving up regardless
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    If this is someone you know, just look them straight in the eyes and say "Why would you say that to me?" And if they don't answer, keep at them, "Excuse me, I'm just trying to understand why you think that's acceptable. Don't ignore it, because if you ignore it they will keep at you until they get an emotional response. Unfortunately, bullies won't often stop until they are confronted.

    Also - if you are concerned about them complaining to the management, before you confront them go and get a staff member to serve as a witness.

    As others have said, if this is actually happening at work you should report it.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    If someone says something about what you are eating tell them to kindly mind their own business.
    If someone calls you fat just look them in the eye and tell them you are working on that.
    If someone makes fun of you just tell the you wills lose the weight, they will always be a b*tch.

    The more you stand up for yourself, the more they will back off.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,012 Member
    You should feel proud for working out I know it is hard to ignor hurtful comments but you are doing something about your weight, I felt really awkward when I started going to the gym but I stuck with it and lost 112lbs,,, just stick with it
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    Cant be doing with happy clappy responses.. So ill just say it as i see it.

    You are choosing to let them upset you, next time one of your co-workers say something, let them know exactly how your feeling at that very moment in time.
    Im not sayin go full bore an smack them in the teeth, im saying give them a mouthful, ask them how they think they are helping exactly!

    If its someone at the gym, id choose sarcasm (but im naturally a sarcastic person anyways)

    You cant let people walk all over you, i did that for many years, until it got to a point where i didnt say boo to anyone and i was scared of my own shadow... not anymore, if someone upsets me, they know full well that they have upset me...
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I'm going to play devil's advocate here....

    How were people at the gym mean? In 14 years of going to the gym I've never seen anyone be mean to another person...once.
  • niuniuhuahua
    Be strong girl! You should feel really proud of yourself! You got all the people here who will support you!
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    Wow what a terrible thing to have happen at the gym!! I would definitely be hurt and embarrassed by that also.

    Remember this: there are more important things to be than thin. I know that's like blasphemy on this site ;) but wouldn't you rather be intelligent, kind, honest, etc. over being thin?? Next time someone insults your weight, just remember that, although it's hurtful, there are many worse things you could be than fat. (And I'm not saying that you ARE fat, just that, even if you were, it wouldn't be the end of the world).

    Keep going to the gym and hold your head high!
  • Runninglibrarian13
    Runninglibrarian13 Posts: 57 Member
    If this is someone you know, just look them straight in the eyes and say "Why would you say that to me?" And if they don't answer, keep at them, "Excuse me, I'm just trying to understand why you think that's acceptable. Don't ignore it, because if you ignore it they will keep at you until they get an emotional response. Unfortunately, bullies won't often stop until they are confronted.

    Also - if you are concerned about them complaining to the management, before you confront them go and get a staff member to serve as a witness.

    As others have said, if this is actually happening at work you should report it.

    I totally love this ^^ "Why would you say that to me?" it bounces their rudeness right back at them without being rude itself.
    In fact, if it were me, I'd probably preface it with "How totally rude? Why would you say that to me?" or
    "That is incredibly rude! How on earth could you think its acceptable to say something like that?" again, calls them out without being nasty.
  • MizAngie
    MizAngie Posts: 113 Member
    there was someone at the beginning of the replies that said don't let them have the power. Say it out loud...a few times.
    And then say YOU have the power. repeat. remind.

    We have a split in our office of good healthy people and then not so healthy people. We push for being positive.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    Wear some headphones and enjoy some feel-good, heart pumping music while you train. This way you can tune them out and it may help you to get and stay in the zone without having to listen to their nonsense.

    ^ this for sure!!! My headphones are my saving grace.
  • sucg
    sucg Posts: 36
    When i started this journey i was 290 Lb. People were really mean at times but i knew what i was doing and how much i wanted it. I'm now at 170.
    I too cried at times but you know what. I'm changing and feeling great, they are still mean and have to pick on others now.
    Some people have to do that to make themselves look big. We know what A-holes they are though dont we. Hold your head high, your amazing and it will be worth it. Su x
  • what_lola_wants
    what_lola_wants Posts: 129 Member
    Jusr re-read this.

    If the people at your gym are mean, change gyms. Easy solution. Don't pay someplace to make you feel bad. Go somewhere else.

    Also - they are jerks, just tell yourself that while they may be slim, they are crappy people, and no one likes them anyways. It's what's inside that matters most.

    Now, if people are harassing you about your weight or what you are eating while you are at work, go to HR and file a complaint. That's illegal. That is discrimination and harrassment. That is hostile work environment. I guarantee once you go to HR, all that will stop. And don't feel bad about it, because that kind of behavior from a coworker is unacceptable, and they need to learn that one way or the other.

    Truly agree. I feel you girl. I am consider so big size in Asia due to my big bone structure and meaty body. Each time when I am at the counter the worker would point at my tummy saying and laughing that.. Ohhh look at you tummy, you have gained weight... Wtf, I did not! and sometimes during my period, I cant do anything to my bloating tummy... :(

    Just ignore them, I usually just smile back..and if possible change gym. That's what I am going to do. I am switching to another in September and I cant wait for that! Feel free to add me as friend :) Keep going : )
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Are you sure you aren't just reading into things? I can't imagaine that people at your gym are actually ganging up on you and bullying you.
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I hate to hear this happens. I don't get it or why people would be so mean. Clearly the person making comments, etc has their own issues and likely unhappy people.

    Look the bottom line is you are trying to be healthy and nothing should stop you from doing do and charging after your goals. Just ignore them, know that you are a beautiful person and just keep at it. The only person you need to make happy is yourself and you are the only person you need to answer too. So hopefully ignoring them will help it, and just keep at it as you are doing great! Good luck!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I would tell everyone to F*** off .......I feel very fortunate that I only get support from everyone at my gym and workplace..people suck

  • leanne9876
    leanne9876 Posts: 301 Member
    omg what's happening at your gym what are they saying to you ?
  • JMOstrem
    JMOstrem Posts: 4
    It's much harder to eat half a donut and then still work out after work. With coworkers who are a-holes too. So keep your head up, and if you want them to feel like crap, stand up for yourself and ask them what their problem is. Put the pressure on them to explain why they must belittle others, does it make them feel good about themselves? It will make them shut the hell up and perhaps leave you alone. You'll be out of there at some point, right?

    I have found that being heavy and working out in public is scary as hell. There will be people who smirk because they are jerks, same kind of losers who sport "No fat chicks" bumper stickers. They are advertising their insecurities. But on the whole people who see someone who needs to make healthy choices do so consistently will be impressed to see you work hard especially if you're just doing your thing and not causing drama.

    Choose to be strong, find a work out buddy, surround yourself with positive people if you can. Sounds like you're in high school with a bunch of 16 year old insecure idiots. Don't let them see it hurt you, turn it on them, psych them out w/that master's degree you're working on!