Hello everyone!

slimmingsiobhan Posts: 54
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hiya all, after following slimming world for 7 weeks and losing 17lb decided to try and give this game a go as I felt slimming world although fantastic gives me the opportunity to overeat!!
I'm a mum to a gorgeous 14 week old little boy Eddie, shifted the 14lb baby-weight, now onto the rest :-)
Need all the support and encouragement I can get and quite happy to give it, too!

Feel free to add me & a big good luck to everyone trying to achieve a healthier lifestyle xxxx


  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Hi :)
    Well done on the 14lb so far! This place is awesome, you'll love it :)

    Ooh, also noticed you're from South Yorkshire. Whereabouts? I'm from Doncaster but go to uni in Birmingham
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