Motivation Tricks



  • katiethedetermined1
    katiethedetermined1 Posts: 68 Member
    To keep me motivated I reward myself with every 5 lbs I lose since I don't really have that much to lose. The closer you get to your goal weight, the larger the prize. To get to those 5 lbs I also sign up for races, 5k, 10k, 1/2 marathon. I tend to want to venture out because I get bored really easily. Maybe I will start biking and doing races for those. I mean WHY NOT? There is no end to fitness so always trying something new keeps me motivated, along with looking at my fat thighs :laugh:
  • Chadlemmink
    I am 35 now with 2 little babies. I imangine myself at 40 running around playing with my kids. I imagine myself at 50 and still keeping up with them as teenagers. I imangine myself at 60 retired, traveling, and being able to do fun adventurous trips with my wife. I imagine myself at 70 still going strong, golfing, walking, biking, and enjoying life that many cannot because of the food choices they made for the past 40-50 years.