Sick of certain foods - Literally

amykluver Posts: 184 Member
Am I alone are does anyone else get sick of eating the same foods? For example, I get nauseated at the thought of eating granola bars (of any kind) after eating them so much over the past 5-8 years. It turns my stomach but I'm still hungry - I just can't stomach the idea of a granola bar.

Trail mix and oatmeal have joined that list of foods, and now cottage cheese, eggs, asparagus and raw veggies are on the verge of doing it! And since those are all healthy items... I am a little scared.

My husband thinks I'm crazy as he can eat the same thing every day for years. And it doesn't seem to happen with ice cream and junk (but then again - I try to limit that stuff). I think the way to battle it is to have more variety... but I feel like I'm running out of foods.

Anyone else have this happen? How have you changed things up or what have you done to help this?


  • lilypad_604
    lilypad_604 Posts: 15
    I have the exact same problem. It's mostly raw veggies that cause me to feel sick.
    Cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, you name it...they literally make me gag and I have to force them down.

    I have found that changing the way you cook them makes a world of difference.
    I now grill these veggies with seasonings and i actually enjoy eating them now.
    We tend to get tired of eating the same thing all the time but we usually always make foods a certain way.
    Sometimes taking a break from these foods for a while helps...try them again in a few months.

    Ice cream and junk wont make you sick as they are often chemically engineered to get you addicted to them - overloaded with salt, sugar, fats, etc. that create a specific reaction in your body which can drive cravings.

    Sometimes its also a subconscious thing - people condition themselves not to like something due to a bad experience or overeating them but its often times just psychological..

    In regards to granola bars - its probably not a bad thing you don't like them. They are misconceived as being very healthy but they usually contain wayyy too much sugar.
    Eggs: try putting hardboiled eggs on a salad as the dressing masks the taste. They are so versatile that they can be made into omlettes, scrambled, poached, fried, etc. so there is lots of room to experiment.
    Asparagus: yuck! Can't force myself to eat them no matter how I make them. There's some foods you just wont like. period.
    Raw veggies: dips make a HUGE difference!

    Good luck!
  • amykluver
    amykluver Posts: 184 Member
    ^^^ I have extended my ability to tolerate the raw veggies by getting dips in there... but then I'm taking away from the health by adding fat and calories. Could get some hummus I guess (OD'd on it a while back but maybe I can tolerate it again now). I still like egg salad - but again - taking away from the healthy aspect.

    And I've conditioned myself to remember that Cake is my arch-enemy as it never makes me feel full (so I eat and eat and eat) and then I go way past full to just feeling like crap (physically, mentally, and emotionally). So I'm pretty good at staying away from it.

    Thanks for the tips and just knowing I'm not alone. :ohwell:
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Yep. When I was a kid I used to have take ginormous amts of antibiotics when I went to the dentist, for weeks prior and after (medical issue). The antibiotics kill potassium levels and maybe other things, but the point is that the solution was for me to eat a banana three times a day while taking the antibiotics. I started out loving bananas. I ended up hating them.

    Later, it was found that I didn't have the medical issue anymore, so no more antibiotics and no more bananas. It was YEARS until I could tolerate the thought of eating another banana, but one day they just didn't nauseate me so I tried one. I like them again, but only fresh or in a banana split ;P Not in a smoothie. Ever.
  • PrettyLilPixie
    Yep! I do this too. Part of my problem is that I get on a "kick" where the food is all I crave/eat and then one day it's nauseating and it makes me gag. Thankfully it usually fixes itself if I take a break from the food for a while. I've done it with carrots, broccoli, apples, eggs and oatmeal the most often.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I plan my meals and shopping trips with this in mind. I get sick of things very easily, even foods I once loved. I like to stagger weeks with certain foods to make sure I'm not having them all the time.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I'd get sick of that hippy trail mix diet also.

    I'd encourage you to branch out and change your perspective on what 'healthy' food is.