i have plateaued any advice

i hope i havent plateaued ! i have been the same weight for the past 3 or 4 days :( i sure hope i drop at least a pound this week im also wondering if its because i am doing the 30 day shred maybe i have gained some muscle because it feels like somebody punched my legs thighs and butt! not sure whats going on any ideas feel free to take alook at my food diary i do my best eating on a budget but i am going grocery shopping tonight so any ideas are welcome thanks all <3:flowerforyou:


  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
    You may not notice weight loss everyday. If you haven't lost any weight in 2+ weeks then it may be a plateau. I ran your bmr on my height which is 5'3" and it came out to 1676. Your TDEE is 2011 on sedentary you only want to take 15-20% off of your TDEE to make sure your body is getting what it needs. Looking at your diary you aren't getting near enough calories in. Which will result in stalled or weight gain. Yes I know it sounds stupid but you don't want your body to just get more efficient. Eat more and you will lose more. Above all hang in there!!!!! You can do this
  • lilypad_604
    lilypad_604 Posts: 15
    If you are really that sore from 30DS, you may be retaining fluid around your muscles while they are repairing. If you work them very hard, your body sometimes causes you to release fluid so as to provide a type of cushion.
    It will subside. You may also be holding water weight - lots of sodium or sugar lately?? how much water are you drinking?

    I wouldn't worry about 3-4 days without any change. If you haven't lost over the course of a week or two, look at your diet. Weight loss is 90% due to diet; only 10% due to exercise.

    Maybe consider adding something else to your 30DS plan? I did that workout and hardly lost any weight. It wasn't long enough (in time per session) to burn as much calories as I had hoped for...I now run and do the insanity program.
  • amandaanderson2786
    amandaanderson2786 Posts: 95 Member
    thanks i was thinking i maybe needed to adjust my calories a little ill try that hope it helps
  • kts3639
    kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
    It's only been 3 or 4 days. Have some patience! :smile:

    Weighing every day can make you crazy. I would advise to maybe weigh once a week. Also, have you been taking measurements? You may be losing inches, but not lbs., and that is a great thing as well. One more thing, it is definitely not muscle gain. It takes a long time to gain muscle, as well as eating at a calorie surplus. Cardio, light strength training, and eating at a deficit, will not cause muscle gains, unfortunately.
  • lilypad_604
    lilypad_604 Posts: 15
    That's a good idea. Don't go below 1200. it wont make you lose weight faster and will actually hurt your progress.
    Consider having 5 or 6 days at 1200-1300; 1 at 1600-1700. It keeps your metabolism running faster.

    I would be careful in counting 30DS as part of your daily calorie expenditure. I wore a HRM doing it and barely burned 100 calories.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    3 days does not a plateau make. A true plateau is 6 weeks of ZERO weight loss. Weight loss is not linear. Sometimes you will stay the same or gain, no matter how "good" you are. You should be looking at your overall trend over time, not your day-to-day fluctuations. For healthy, sustainable weight loss, you should be AVERAGING .5-2 pounds per week. Because that is an AVERAGE, there will be some weeks you stay the same and some where you even gain. Google and read "Why the Scale Lies" for a better explanation of the day-to-day fluctuations in your weight. There are very many factors that make you show a gain or loss including time of month, sodium intake, amount of exercise, etc. If the day to day weigh ins bother you, stay off the scale and weigh in only once per week and then look at your trend over time.
  • amandaanderson2786
    amandaanderson2786 Posts: 95 Member
    thank you everyone for your advice it is giving me alot to think about! really appreciate it and it makes sense i should not weigh myself so much and i havent taken any measurements yet but i will start today and i did change my calorie intake slightly i was always trying to stay below 1200 now i made my goal 1400 so i wont feel i have to eat so little
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I hit a 'plateau' for 2 weeks every month. It's totally depending on my cycle. Then I lose 7-10lbs in 2 weeks.