Help - Sitting or standing - body is unhappy

Help! I switch jobs about 15 months ago. Before I was standing, sitting on stool or mostly running around like a chicken with my head cut off. No commute time and could even ride my bike to work. I stopped working out due to discomfort in over worked shoulders. Jump to now... I sit driving to work for about 1 hour. I sit at my desk all day, eat lunch at my desk, and get in my car and drive the hour back. I make dinner and sit on the couch. At first it was okay. And then I realized I was getting bigger. Not by much but my pants were beginning to not fit. I have thousands of dollars worth of specialty motorcycle gear. I will not buy new clothes or gear.

I decided around February it was time to get back to the gym. I promised my self a few years ago that for my birthday I would be in better shape then I was the year before. I did not give my self that gift last year. This year I feel like I have. Yesterday I had my 28th birthday. I do spin, Pilates, yoga, and started riding a mountain bike more. I have only lost a few lbs but I can feel the energy on my muscles coming back. But I also feel the strain...

But since I started this job I realized I sit way too much. Now my hip flexor is killing me. I try and stretch and I am sure I should and could more. Here is my question, I have a fused ankle so I can't stand for very long. How do I mix in standing and sitting while still working on computer. If I stand my wrist is twisted trying to use a mouse. I tried kneeling but after a few min my knees get mad, I did make a little padded pad with bubble wrap. I have a ball at home I think I will try. But that's still sitting. Maybe there is a good position on a ball I should be trying?

Advice? Different chairs? Stretches? Does anyone have any good scheduling advice on mixing up sitting, stretching, standing. This is going to make me cry. Also I missed my spin class this morning because I didn't know if it was worse to aggravate it or leave it be.

I don't think I injured it. It has just gotten tighter and tighter till now I can't stand it. As if, I hit rock bottom.

PS I am new, if if this question is better asked in a different forum please let me know.


  • chunkadoo
    chunkadoo Posts: 41 Member
    I think you'd benefit from seeing a chiropractor. My roommate has scoliosis and her hip gets tight from time to time and causes her a lot of pain sitting OR standing, let alone doing any type of exercise--which is all managed with monthly visits to the chiropractor.
  • caribear1984
    caribear1984 Posts: 203
    Maybe try a kneeling stool. It is supposed to be better for your body than sitting. I also agree that a chiropractor and massage therapist would probably help a lot.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    My sis uses a ball at her computer. I think with the ball you are constantly moving just a tiny bit to keep balanced so it might help and you can deliberately move more on it if you want. I used to have a kneeling stool. I *loved* it! It was really awesome for my posture, not sure what effect it would have on hip flexors.

    I would look into different chairs, with an ergonomic design, and make sure you are taking at least 5 minutes an hour stretching/standing/walking, and give up the couch in the evening. Sit on your ball instead. Yoga poses like low crescent lunge (ahhhh), warrior I and modified camel help hip flexors (make sure you are warmed up before doing them).