Huge Diastasis Recti, what to do? (except tummy tuck;)

Ive got a huge diastasis recti, I can fit about 4 fingers between my muscles.
Ive had two emergency c-sections so some scar tissue that is still hurting.
I need to figure out what excersises is best to get my belly to look slighty normal.

Anyone out here who has a miracle recipie?


  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    If they're still hurting I would be consulting a doctor before going ahead with an exercise regimen. Better safe than sorry.

    I don't really know of anything that would particularly help... especially a magic pill.

    It's possible that if they've been recent that you still have some swelling of the area and it could get better as time goes on. For example, I had damaged tendons in my hand and for just over a year it was noticeably larger than my other hand. That's not because those muscles were beefier, just swollen from injury and scar tissue. Massage helps with scar tissue too.

    If you want to work your abs I would try an ab wheel. It pretty much is a one stop shopping piece of equipment that gets the whole enchilada. It's also a plus that you can pick 'em up anywhere for $15-$20. You'll work everything equally.

    Aside from that, go with my first sentence. Maybe the dr. would have some recommendations too.
  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
    Well, there's not a lot except surgery. (To clarify tho, the surgery to fix DR is not a tummy tuck, although they are often combined and done together.)

    This website claims to help, although I think ultimately surgery is the only guarantee.
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member

    Pull the muscles of the abdominal wall back together with exercise. An easy exercise to do is to lie with a towel underneath your lower back. Then lift your head and neck up off the floor just enough so that the abdominal muscles are engaged. As you do this, pull the ends of the towel together across your abdomen to pull the muscles together. The idea is that the muscles are gently strengthened as the towel retrains them back into a more natural position. This is the treatment that is recommended most by physical therapists. It works best if the diastasis recti is not severe and if there is a minimal amount of belly fat.

    Read more: Treatment for Diastasis Recti | eHow

    Found this.... hope it helps a bit.
  • SKAVY7178
    SKAVY7178 Posts: 165 Member

    I know the post is quite old...but I just came across it :)

    I have a terrible diastasis recti and an epigastic hernia, after my3 c-sections!!! My doctor told me unfortunately, it cannot be resolved with belts, therapy etc...and it would get worse working my abdominal muscles, and the ONLY way for me is to undergo a surgery :( I have such a H.U.G.E tummy, people still ask me whether I am pregnant again. It looks as if I am carrying twins and my third trimester :grumble:
    My surgery is fixed for the 24th of October 2013 :love:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    there are exercises you can do to fix this, I've seen some online, although it's probably better to get referred to a physio

    you do need to get this fixed before you do regular exercise routines, as it can cause problems. However everything I've read in the past about this suggests that the issue can be fixed with the right kind of exercise. If it was me, I'd be demanding to see a physio.

    I've had 2 c-sections
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    Unfortunately, if it is bad enough, the only way to repair it is surgery because those muscles are hurt too bad :/ With exercise you will probably minimize a bit, but may not get it to fully go away without surgery. I really hope with your aversion to surgery that the exercise works! I am not saying it wont, but IF those muscles are damaged enough, no amount of exercise can help... Speak with your doctor and see what they say :)

    I wish you the best of luck!! :)
  • hayles333
    hayles333 Posts: 105 Member
    I had diastisis recti that was 4-5 fingers and I have fixed it with exercise in only 4 months! Seriously. You can do physio and there are specific exercises that also work really well. Most important thing is NOT to do any crunches or oblique exercises until you have corrected it. The biggest thing you can do is to work on pulling your belly button towards your spine and doing that ALL.THE.TIME. Like do it before you pick anything up or get out of bed, or reach for something. I can try to pull out the exercises that my physiotherapist gave me if you want. Just send me a PM. :)