My desk job is ruining me!

svanhoecke Posts: 266
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I started a desk job at the beginning of the month (I am there right now) and I work over 50 hours a week now, Sunday-Friday. I have gained almost 10 pounds since summer break started! I have such a hard time packing my lunch, fitting in exercise (or anything), and just sleeping! (The hours can be really late)

Anyone else have this problem? If do you lose weight and live like this??? :(


  • Thinwithin2010
    Thinwithin2010 Posts: 166 Member
    Hey i read once an entire office bought the big exercise ball and sat on them at their desks instead of chairs.. Ok nobody laugh I really read this lol
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    I started a desk job at the beginning of the month (I am there right now) and I work over 50 hours a week now, Sunday-Friday. I have gained almost 10 pounds since summer break started! I have such a hard time packing my lunch, fitting in exercise (or anything), and just sleeping! (The hours can be really late)

    Anyone else have this problem? If do you lose weight and live like this??? :(

    2 ways that work best for me: find something you can do from home right after your get home (since it sounds like you aren't the morning workout type) OR find something outside of home that is part of your 'fun' 'relaxing' time to help you get past the junk in your head from work (for me this was surfing and trail running....but then I got married and moved away from the places I enjoy doing those things and do method 1 now with p90x)

    thats just me tho :)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    I have a desk job too. I pack my lunch and snacks the night before and don't eat anything other than what I bring with me. i know a lot of people will go for walks on their breaks and lunch, but I work in a not so good area, so I don't feel comfortable doing that. I get up and hour early and workout in the morning. Hope that helps.

    FYI: I went from working at a day care where I was constantly at the park, pool and taking walks with the kids to a 8 hours a day desk job. I gained 40 pounds my first year there. :frown:
  • Well, welcome to the real world eh :) But, sunday - friday and 50 hours a week. What is that ? 6x8hr days ? That seems a little OTT to me but at the same time, it isn't that big a deal of a schedule because it's only 8 hours in one day. Unless there's other things going on too. Be sure you're not just staying at work for the sake of staying there. I know some people will stay just so that they can say they do but they don't do anything productive during that time.
    Depending on how cool ur boss is, get in, do your job and get out when you can. Since you're spending most of your life @ work, and they do not give you 2 days off a week in your schedule, then perhaps they'll allow you to workout during lunch etc.
    Not sure what line of work you're in, but I can't imagine that if you explained your situation and explained what you'd like to do - being both fair to yourself, the company you work for, along with everyone else's time who works there, I can't think of reasons why compromises can't be met. Especially the time you're putting in. If they're not willing to work with you, why would you be willing to work for them.
    There's extenutating circumnstances where we've worked 30 hours straight, or perhaps 2 months of 60+ hour weeks ...... but when those times aren't necessary, we can relax a little and just get our jobs done without the need to sit there for 8 hours just to sit there.

    Other than that, you know your schedule, so, just build in time around it.
    The sitting on exercise ball isn't a silly idea either. That's quite common.
  • Firefrog76
    Firefrog76 Posts: 45
    This may sound strange. but people do it (I do it!) But take bathroom workouts. Each time you go to the bathroom, pick an exercise and do it each trip (obviously something that can be done discreetly, such as calf raises, wall push ups, squats. Do a set of ten each time you go to the bathroom (and if your'e drinking all your water, should be regularly) The little boost in activity can help rev up your metabolism, not to mention help keep you away from the unhealthy office snacks that seem to be everywhere!

    Do you have an office where you have privacy? this could help give you more freedom to try out other at work work outs. Look on line for office workouts, I'm sure you'll find a hit or two with some usable moves for you!

    Packing a lunch is almost a must! try for low cal, higher fiber foods to help keep you full and satisfied and less likely to snack.
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    The problem is that this is just a summer job, so I can't really afford to bargain for better hours. I wanted this job because of all of the overtime it provides...(It pays time and a half for anything over 40hrs a week), but I didn't realize how little time I would have to do anything else. Anybody have good ideas for descrete snacks in a cubicle?
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I have things like almonds, a FEW mini 3 musketeers (for those stressful days), pudding cups, and granola bars in my desk all the time to snack on. Then when I have the stuff and/or time I'll slice up apples, watermelon, strawberries or grapes to bring with me. I also always have a stash of Healthy Choice Fresh Mixers pasta dishes (Rotini & Zesty Marinara Sauce are my favorite) at work for those days I don't have time to pack my lunch. If I can 'pack' my lunch it is usually stuff out of my freezer so doesn't really take any time. My favorite lunch to bring is Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers - Basil Vegetable Medley (it is 2.5 servings I think, but given it is really my whole meal it still comes out very well calorie wise... as most proccessed foods are, it is a bit heavy on sodium) and 1/2 a box/bag of the already cooked chicken strips you can get in the sandwich meats section in the grocery store. I cook the veggies, then while it is sitting for a minute I heat up the chicken in a ziplock container I bring and then pour the veggies in and stir it up... it's a LOT of food and very filling.

    I used to work at a place that was on a really busy street so I didn't like to walk. But nearby was a really big grave yard that had some graves that were hundreds of years old - I would MAKE SURE I took my 2 15 minutes breaks and walk briskly through there. It was nice and quiet and no smell of car exhaust. And if you can't walk somewhere, maybe your building has stairs? Or a rooftop you could walk around? I'd walk at lunch depending on how much time I had. And there are lots of things you can do at your desk without anyone noticing - just look it up on the internet.

    The fact that you have acknowledged the problem and are looking for ways to change it is half the battle! You'll figure it out!
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    I have a desk job and I bring in all my meals. I plan ahead.....

    Breakfast - oatmeal or cream of wheat
    AM Snack - veggies and protein
    Lunch - Veggies, Starch and Protein
    PM Snack - Fruit and Almonds
    Supper - Veggies, Starch and Protein

    I find I don't need a snack after supper. This has been working for me for the last few weeks and I am full after my meals. I hope that helps. Also my desk is a little way from the washroom, so I get in a bit of a walk when it is time to go. Also when I need to fill my water container, I will take a trip to the washroom, go back to my desk, get my water bottle and walk back to get my water. It might seem like a pain, but I get in some extra exercise and a break from the computer/desk.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I'm not laughing, I've been wanting to buy a ball myself FOREVER! I need to find a big one though, I think our desks are above-average height.

    As a member of the health and safety team in the office, I know the admin person in charge won't be a fan of this though b/c falling and getting hurt is a high probability and then she’ll have to fill out a report, workers comp…. fun fun!

    People recommend using these balls as a chair because it engages your core constantly. It was also on The Office - lol!

    To answer the OP's question, be sure to snack regularly to avoid binging on dinner when you get home. I keep veggies in the fridge, an apple and emergency All-Bran bars or Fiber Plus Antioxidant in case I'm absolutely starving. I also make sure to drink 4 Siggs a day, that’s more than 9 glasses which helps + gum if its just a boredom hunger and not real hunger.
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