Sometimes feel like giving up. In need of motivation!

I have been working out for 2 months and been eating as healthy as I can. At first I understood that I wasn't losing any weight because I was on the Mirena. But it has been out for a month now and I been working out more and been feeling more determined but still no weight loss! That frustrates me, disappoints me, and gets me to believe that I will never lose weight or that I'm not meant to lose weight. Only thing that keeps me from giving up is seeing all these success stories on MFP and on FB as well. I've seen ppl bigger than me reach their goal, but yet I haven't lost any weight. At times I feel light and great, then I feel heavier than ever without doing anything different. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong. I am looking into starting the P90X, let's see if that works for me. Any advice on what I should do or can do would be greatly appreciated... My goal is to lose 40lbs, doesn't seem that much but yet it has been so hard!


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's hard to say without looking at your diary. You might be eating not enough, or not measuring food properly and overeating, or overestimating or underestimating your exercise.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    What's your TDEE? How much are you eating? Do you use a food scale?
  • I feel for you. Are you counting calories? For me, in order to lose, I must adhere to 1200 calories per day.
    Also, keep in mind that if you are lifting weights, you will gain muscle which may be the reason you are not seeing actual pounds loss. Another factor is your thyroid. If you are low (hypothyroid) this will slow down weight loss as well.
    Don't give up. You can do this. It is a matter of taking a very close look at a number of factors. I lose on 1200 calories per day.
    But I must stick to 1200 and no more.
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    You may be at a stage where your body won't lose anything but gain muscle. You may be eating too many calories, but people think that eating a 1200 cal diet is good for anyone "dieting" I did okay on 1300 cals but i hit a plateau after 5 lbs, like wth? And so i decided to start Insanity and while you'd think that youd lose quickly, i actually gained.....wasn't impressed but did lots of reading about it and found that starting any new exercise program (like P90x) it is very normal for people to gain too because their muscles are getting stronger.
    Do you measure yourself with measuring tape? I found this was the only way i could keep track of what my body is doing. The first week i gained like 3 1/2 lbs but lost 4 1/2 " so i know its working despite the stupid scale.
    For years i've had a love/hate relationship with my scale and have never been lower than 152....i have realized that my body just isn't designed like that and it really doesn't matter what the scale says because the scale lies. It doesn't tell me that i ate my alotted calories all week with no extra and worked out 6 times doing i hid my scale.
    The best thing that will help you i think the most is measurements and by how you feel, how your clothes scale can tell you otherwise, in fact it can do the exact opposite and make you feel horrible if the number on the scale isn't what you want to see. Hope this helps.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I feel for you. Are you counting calories? For me, in order to lose, I must adhere to 1200 calories per day.
    Also, keep in mind that if you are lifting weights, you will gain muscle which may be the reason you are not seeing actual pounds loss. Another factor is your thyroid. If you are low (hypothyroid) this will slow down weight loss as well.
    Don't give up. You can do this. It is a matter of taking a very close look at a number of factors. I lose on 1200 calories per day.
    But I must stick to 1200 and no more.

    Very few people have to eat that low. I'd consider pretty much all other options before cutting calories that much.
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    That's right! If you exercise, you must eat your exercise cals to protect the muscles you are building. Make sure you are doing that too. MFP already calculates what cals you need to have per day to lose a certain amount but any exercise cals should be eaten as well.