New Runkeeper

pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
I have to vent.....

Just seen Runkeeper have done a whole new website update. And its awful, I don't get what was wrong with the last one. But that worst part is that I'ma real stats junkie. And they have given me much less options! the advanced fitness reports have gone :(. It's ridiculous that this can affect my life so much but I really attribute Runkeeper to keeping me going a lot.

Any others users here not happy?


  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    Haven't tried it yet as I don't often use the site. I mainly use the app on my phone... which is Caledos Runner for Windows Phone. It uses Runkeeper (as Runkeeper doesn't have a Windows phone app.)

    Less information can't be good..... You may have given me a reason to be upset. I'll have to look into this.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    That sucks as you pay a premium for more information and you're not getting it now... Have you had a good look to check they haven't just buried it somewhere?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Oh wow - it does look different! Off to check it out.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I logged in today and it frustrated me like crazy just trying to manually add a treadmill run. I didn't even look around the website because I was so frustrated!
  • laurieagain09
    laurieagain09 Posts: 183 Member
    I liked it better before.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Yeah I liked it better before. They have said that the Advanced Features are coming back at 'some point'. Think I'll stop my elite subscription until then though.
  • mattvandyk
    mattvandyk Posts: 50 Member
    Query why I paid for an Elite subscription at this point. What is the advantage now?