Has anyone lost a lot of weight (100+) slowly?



  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Took me 6 years to lose a 100 pounds.... guess most people would consider that slow! :laugh:
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I love this thread :)

    It's been a year and a half almost for me and I've only lost 36 pounds (lost 40 but gained a little back) but have lost 4 pant sizes. slow but steady.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    Yes. I have lost 110 over a 76 wk period, so about 1.3 lbs on average per week, all using MFP to track my exercise and Calories.
  • Robin_Anne
    Robin_Anne Posts: 54
    I have this saying in my head all the time - a quote from a BodyPumper like myself- it doesn't matter how long it takes- when you are "done" you have to continue doing what you are doing now or it will come undone very quickly. The day after you reach your goal is no different than today...

    I love this point of view! I must remember it. :)
  • brillmer
    brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member
    Jeeze, now I feel like I lost my weight too fast ?

    I went from 240-170 in about 8 months :S

    The first 5 months, 240-190 was literally just off changing how I eat, being more conscious about portion control, eating clean, healthy foods and eating at a healthy, -500 caloric deficit.

    In January I started working out and have since lost another 20

    Really though, there is no rush. Everybody is different, everyone will lose/gain at a different rate.

    The most important part is that you are doing it in a healthy way - not starving yourself or doing something dangerous.

    My 2 cents.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    I started in April 2010. Then, I was around 400 lbs. I'm about 265 lbs now. So that's about 135 lbs in about three years. Part of the reason, though, for the slow loss was my measured approach. I began by cutting soda from my diet, and then my moderating my servings (only one plate full instead of multiple plates). Then I started walking. Then I started counting calories. I joined MFP in November or so of last year and then I added strength/cardio workouts (e.g., 30 Day Shred) in Feb of this year. I've been picking up speed since beginning but have done especially well in the past five months. My goal is to reach 220 lbs by the end of this year.

    Good luck to you. :)
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    Almost 6 years to lose the net 120 I'm at today.. feel free to add me.. -50 the first year -30 the second year the next almost 2 years gaining and losing the same 40lbs.. then another year of OMG! what happened? lets just log and see... then last year dropped 50 and holding and FINALLY got this!

    yeah I totally wish I had, had MFP since the beginning, I would have lost it all MUCH faster but I think , but whatever weight didn't go on in a year ain't coming off in a short amount of time.. but at least I've learned ALOT about my relationship with food and have BROKEN my food addiction AND emotional eating.. 2 HUGE things I needed to do before finishing this weight loss journey! :)
  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
    Yes .. I started out@316( my weight may have been bigger). I worked on my weight and was
    able to get down to roughly 287. Unfortunately I took a couple bad spills. The last one I had
    involved wearing casts, well one boot, the other was less but had a hairline fracture and
    had full blown type 2 diabetes so healing was arguous and I remained weak on my feet a long
    time. about 6 years later we bought the Wii fit stuff. I then proceeded to lose down (slowly) to
    209. Again bounced up due to grief from losses in my family. I gained back to about 255, then
    somehow went down to 248;where I maintained awhile. Last year on 5/5 I weighed 248 and began
    to try harder to lose the rest. I passed the 200 pound line on Valentine's day. I'm struggling
    still but am now @ 187 (+sodium right now) and am aiming for 135! W/Mfp I'm more solid in
    achieving my goals. Just saying 187 feels great and my next size down is near, a 12. I never
    imagined but am happy I'm here. Just lookingvfwd to the upcoming new me!! :)

    -I began in 2002, this has taken me a long time. The old saying though, 'better late than never'!-
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    I started at 326....lost 88 in a year....and slowly ...very slowly w/a bunch of ups & downs...am now down a total of 144....and i still have a solid 20 or so to go...and am having body lift surgery in 35 days....slow is moving forward...I feel as long as you're moving forward....it's improving yourself your mind your body your soul....no one sets the pace for anyone else....Mazel Tov on your acheivements thus far....good luck to you on your journey!
  • kamifleck
    kamifleck Posts: 3
    I started at 270 (size 22) two years ago. I have lost 118 pounds (now in a baggy 8). It has been a very slow process but I've just kept at it and it worked!! Sensible diet, lot's of exercise. I will be happy in 10 pounds :)
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    i had lost 192lbs in a year and 7 months from starting. i gained back a chunk and i am working at getting to goal. i'm 50lbs from goal at the moment and i'm trying my damnedest to get there. it's hard but we can do it.
  • laurimaki
    laurimaki Posts: 47 Member
    I lost 100+ pounds in high school from being in sports and barely eating. Of course, afterwards, I gained all that back, plus a bunch. I could've weighed more, but the first time I actually got on a scale capable of weighing me, I was 497 pounds and almost gave up on life. Not sure who or what caused the flame to be lit inside of me, but that day changed my life.

    Unlike high school, I realized I had to make lifestyle changes...nothing short term. Giving up everything sweet didn't work for me, stopping unhealthy meats, no way! Finally realizing that it was about moderation, helped me get my life back on track. I started walking, only about 1/2 mile a day. Then I cut back on food a bit. Slowly upped to about 1 mi a day. Then stopped drinking Soda Pop. It's all about the give and take...small changes, changes you can sustain. I am down to 336 now...lightest I've been since middle school. I'm a big guy, I weight lift, walk, bike, anything, and have lost weight slowly...sometimes in chunks, sometimes it slows, but it's all about being consistent. I want to lose at least another 70 pounds but it takes time, if you're doing it correctly. It's not going to melt off unless you're doing something extreme, and if you can't maintain those extreme habits or make hardcore cuts in your life, you're going to gain it back.

    It's a tough journey, but worth every step. Let's do it people!

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  • whitterbugkru
    I try to think of it this way: I'm 22 and have been overweight my entire life. So to get to my highest weight, it's taken me that long to get there. If it only takes a couple years to lose it then hell, that IS fast in comparison ;)
  • Portugueselove
    Portugueselove Posts: 255 Member
    I started my weightloss journey in 2007. So it's been really slow

    And what is your story? As in, how much have you lost in what sort of time frame? You look beautiful, btw.

    Started in 2007 at 348 and today i am 216 - 132 lbs
  • pagoubupa
    pagoubupa Posts: 105 Member
    I lost 100 pounds in a year's time. Hang in there. You are doing great!
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I wondered that as well, since I needed to lose 100 lbs when I started this.

    But now I just figure it's best to keep losing and trying to stay healthy, even if it takes me YEARS.
    What else am I gonna do.... maintain or worse GAIN???

    I don't have an "END DATE" to my goal. Trying to see it as lifetime commitment for me, new lifestyle.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • phonepest
    phonepest Posts: 43
    Some say the way I've lost is "cheating".... I had RNY gastric bypass in January. That said, I started literally a year ago today preparing for it. I made all the changes I knew I'd need to make after surgery. I gave up diet coke (was drinking 3 two liters a day, I changed my macros to reflect the protein first, veggies second, and good carbs last... if I had room. I started drinking water, previously had a love/hate thing for it! LOL I went from 320lbs in May 2012 to 263 on the day of my surgery, and now I'm at 219lbs. So am I cheating and taking the easy way out? Nope... having your guts rearranged isn't the easy way out! The weight doesn't magically fall off with no effort... Far from it! I'm not trying to look like a 20-yr old again... I did this to get healthy. With ANY weight loss, those pesky health issues improve... At 320, I had type 2 diabetes that was barely controlled with 3 insulin shots a day, HBP, and severe osteao and degenerative arthritis. With what I've already lost, I'm off the insulin completely, as well as the BP meds. The arthritis is also not quite as painful!
    Am I pushing for everyone to have gastric bypass? NOT AT ALL!!
    What I am pushing is small changes...just like you're doing... and patience... also, don't get hung up on the scale... take measurements, and lots of pics...those will give you additional info on your loss. If I can do this, even with the surgical intervention, anyone can change their life! You're on the right road, and you're GONNA get there... just enjoy the ride! BTW, by losing slower, you won't have excess skin issues near as bad as gastric bypass patients do. I still have over 100lbs to lose, and I've already got "flying squirrel wings", belly skin from Hell, and have developed wrinkles on my face for the first time. So SLOW is a good thing! Sorry this went so long and best of luck on your continued success!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I'm still not yet to my goal, but it's been 3 years. I started my weight loss in 2010, ended up pregnant but still lost during my pregnancy, gained during mother hood to my daughter 25.5 lbs back, but since I've lost more. 129 lbs in 3 years, I think that's pretty good pace. I had pretty much quit trying for a year but didn't lose or gain, now I'm really hard back to it.
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    slow and steady win the race in the end!

    though its not a race in any way...

    I decided that I was done being fat in September of 2010 and from then til now Im down 149lbs...

    like other people have already said, I know that I wont be gaining the weight back cause Ive changed my lifestyle and done things that I can stick with forever so that I don't gain it back...

    I used to think that I was a failure, seeing all these other people lose over 100lbs in a year but I just say good luck to them...

    by losing my weight slowly I do not have a lot of lose skin issues...my stomach is my only problem area...

    don't worry if you don't lose 50lbs in a few months...most people who lose a dramatic amount of weight quickly do so by being restrictive with foods and some crazy workout routine that they cant keep up with cause they burn out...

    you do you...don't worry about anyone else!
  • Gigsluvscw
    Gigsluvscw Posts: 139 Member

    I love this thread! In this "instant" world we live in, a lot of us (including me), need this patience reminder.
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