Am I consuming enough calories per day?

I am 5'6" and on average 135 - 137 lbs. Recently I have started working out 6 days a week. I do an hour of moderate intensity cardio and a half hour of calisthenics (crunches, squats and weights). I have one rest day a week.

When I set up my profile I stated I wanted to lose a pound a week but I don't care either way as long as I lose a couple pounds/tone up. I want to lose 10 lbs at the most. MyFitnessPal states I should be consuming about 1420 per day to reach my goal by August.

Since I began working out, I have a net caloric intake that never exceeds 1300 calories. I actually consume much more than 1300 calories, but since I burn about 500 calories with my cardio, my net caloric intake is lower. On my rest day I make sure not to exceed 1420 calories.

Should I be consuming more? I feel like I eat a good amount.