200+ (Week 32) Let's Get Moving in May!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Is it bad that I justified eating a nice large slice of zucchini bread cause it has vegetables in it?

    I then looked at the nutritional components... of course, after I ate it. *facepalm*

    There's a big honkin' chocolate cake downstairs too, which will be painful to bypass. I need to get back on the wagon. *cracks whip on self*
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Is it bad that I justified eating a nice large slice of zucchini bread cause it has vegetables in it?

    I then looked at the nutritional components... of course, after I ate it. *facepalm*

    There's a big honkin' chocolate cake downstairs too, which will be painful to bypass. I need to get back on the wagon. *cracks whip on self*

    Ah Kristina....I feel for you, I did the same thing over the weekend but for me it was rhubard goody...have any of you ever had that...it is delish!! I justified because it had rhubarb....but I also knew it had sugar in it...because I made it!:laugh: :laugh: 4 slices later....now this morning, my pants feel a little tight around the tummy, but I also had bread all weekend too...which I hadn't had for a long time....just let all the chips fly over the weekend ( oh ya, I had chips too:embarassed: )....but yes *crack the whip* the wagon is pulling out and we need to get on it!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Oh we all haev days where we eat carbalicious foods! LOL.

    Dinner was fantastic last night. Grilling the tamales just gave them this extra oomph and they tasted fantastic! I bought them fresh at Costco. I am going to go back this weekend and buy a couple more bags of them to freeze. YUMMY.

    Tonight I am not sure what I am going to make. I had thought about salad and sandwiches...buts is pouring down rain here and soup sounds better. So I might pick up some Mama Leone's soup for dinner to eat with everything so we get something hot too.

    I am going back to the gym tonight for the first time in a while. And tracking cals today. I know having stomach flu isn't the best way to lose weight, ha ha, but I want to keep up the momentum and get moving down down down in weight.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kristina- my bff and I went to yoga a couple times several weeks ago. It surprisingly makes you sweat even though you feel like you are hardly moving. She always closes the door, turns off the overhead lights and turns a little lamp on. Its quite nice. Amber has since quit going to the gym all together. She says she never lost any weight when shr was busting her tail in the gym and she hasn't gained anything since she quit. She has medical issues with her lady parts though and will be seeing the doctor this month (or maybe its next month...I forget). I emailed her this morning asking if she wanted to go to yoga but haven't heard back from her. I doubt she'll go but oh well. I tried.

    I got a compliment from a man I saw yesterday who I hadn't seen in a while. He used to work in my building and we're facebook friends now. He came by the building yesterday to see old friends and I passed him in the parking lot. We were talking on facebook last night and I told him I had been to the gym. He said he could really tell I've been going to the gym cause I look different.

    I bought more clothes online on Monday. This time I bought size 18 pants. I hope they fit. These 20s that I've been getting are big. Although, I have another pair of 20s that are kinda snug. I hate how they can't make a standard size for clothes! grrr...but seriously....I got two cute tops, jeans and cute denim mini skirt. I hope it all fits ok.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- my sizes are all over the place too. I have a size 20 that's a bit loose, but still wearable, size 18s that are too loose and too tight, and 16s getting loose, and a 14 fitting. It's crazy. You've just got to try stuff on. And besides, if the 18s don't fit yet, they'll be your "skinny" pants to work towards, as you'll get there in no time hun!

    Debra- i ADORE rhubarb. Rhubarb pie and crisp is my favorite dessert. It's hard to find, especially without having some other fruit like strawberry in it. Just a bit tart and PERFECT. *drools thinking about*
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm drinking less coffee because I think acidic foods are starting to get to me (double damn!). And I am seriously dragging this afternoon. I WILL get to the gym today after work for a minimum of 30 minutes. I can do that much at least.

    Have a good night girlies!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I didn't make it to yoga tonight. A major major major storm hit and didn't go away for over 2 hours. There was CRAZY lightning and thunder and I seriously thought lightning struck a tree behind my house. I was honestly SHOCKED when I didn't hear a tree or a limb fall on my house (or even in my yard). It was pretty scary at points. I let Lexi snuggle with me up on the couch....but now I'm wearing a fur coat lol. She doesn't get that privilege anymore.

    Totally wanting to get a pair of cowgirl boots and a cowgirl hat and going out to a country bar on Friday. :bigsmile: Thats if my new clothes come in. I bought a SUPER CUTE red tube top that has a gorgeous cross design on it. Will post a pic if the outfit comes together.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Wed. 1980 consumed and under by 237. Exercise 38 min jogging, 10 min warm up/cool down and 1/2 hour gardening.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey super heros. it feels good to be back. i got back from vacation and my dad was still real sick. but hes doing better now. my vacation went well. it was very relaxing. but it was back to the real world i had to return.

    my check in for today is Totals 1,705
    Daily Goal 1,900
    Remaining 195

    well good night super heroes and kristina i might need that whip cracked at me soon
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome back Amber. Glad your vacation was good. Sorry to hear your dad was sick

    My brother flies out Tues. That's pretty quick - I may go into shock next week. The dog will be here more so I'm going to have to swing home and let him on days mom works. This will be a change for us. It's the first time mom's living alone since dad died 4 years ago. I'll need to spend more time with her.

    I'm going to get in the shower, walk the dog, drive 20 miles to the big flower sale, finish packing, water all my plants and get out the door for work - all by 8:40.

    Hey Beth - where are you? How was the date?

    Kendal - glad you survived the storm. Kettle ball class sounds fun.

    Lacey - can you come cook for me??? Your food always sounds soooo good.

    Kristna - here's a pump of energy. I'm sure you need it. Only 2 days left to work. I think we need vacations from our vacations.

    Debra - looking forward to seeing you Monday. For everyone - we are meeting up Mon for a jog at my aunts house and it's Debra's birthday!!!!

    Carolyn - where are you??? Hope all is well.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amber - welcome back! We miss you here! Glad your dad is feeling better and vacation went well

    Victoria- I don't know how I forgot to comment on your brother moving out. How exciting for him- I'm happy he's found something to do, at least in the short term. I know you were worried about him. I'm sure it'll take some adjustment getting used to him not being around. Best of luck to him!

    Debra + Victoria - I didn't know you were getting together! How fabulous! Have a great jog and time together! Perhaps one of these days, all of us can do a race together :)

    Kendal- glad you made it through the storm okay. Lexi needed you it sounds like, haha. Hope you're able to get some cardio in for today!

    As for me, checking in for yesterday:
    2407 calories needed to maintain
    2159 eaten/744 burned/-992 day/-2773 week

    Ate a BIT more than I wanted, but not horribly so, as I did the elliptical (61 min, about 5.2 miles).

    Plans for today: keeping my eating on point, rec centering it up with last chance workout (either running or elliptical), trying to get to bed at a decent time, as I'm pretty exhausted today. Certainly will need to catch up on sleep this weekend. Today's work day is pretty light, so it shouldn't be bad. I don't have much of anything in the afternoon, so I might leave a bit early and get a head start at the gym. Weighed myself this morning and I'm headed for a much suprising maintainence this week, even through the lack of exercise and eating like whoa. yes!

    Hope everyone's doing well. Get those bodies moving for weekly weigh in tomorrow!!
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I would like to join you guys if that is ok. Is there anything I need to know about how often to post, what to post etc?

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone as we encourage each other on this journey!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I would like to join you guys if that is ok. Is there anything I need to know about how often to post, what to post etc?

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone as we encourage each other on this journey!

    Welcome Cynthia!!! Of course its ok for you to join us! We're in the middle of a challenge now where we all kinda made up our own (non-weight based) goals (exercising, logging, etc). Make sure to add Akasullengirl as a friend cause she will start a new thread for us tonight (or possibly tomorrow morning). You can weigh in anytime between Friday and Sunday that is convenient for you. Pinbotchick keeps the chart for us. No matter what- we are here for you.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I have stress headache today. I hope I packed everything I need - the first thing in was 2 sport bras with thoracic spine showing. I may throw in my swimsuit as well. The course I'm going to has lots of lab work so we will working on each other and a good percent of the time my shirt will be of - neck and upper back spine mobilization techniques.

    Welcome Cynthia!!! We enjoy getting to know new people.

    I weighed in this morning and was shocked to down another .25 pound at 186. Well my break is over. Onto my next client.
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Thanks Ladies,

    I'm excited to be here with you! :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning ladies.

    Check in for yesterday: 1810 cals allowed/1861 eaten/320 burned...final tally: 1541 net cals. Not bad, not bad. I find that 1800ish cals is about the perfect amount of food for me to eat necessities and a few treats along the way as well.

    Finally got back to the gym yesterday. Made myself go on the elliptical until I hit 300 cals and then got off and stretched. 320 final. Tonight I'm going to go until 325 cals. I am pooped this morning. Partially because of the cut back on coffee and partly because of the exercise. I'm not sure but I surely feel it. After the month off and being sick over the weekend I am going to ease back into it.

    Welcome Cynthia!

    Victoria - have a good time on your trip for your class. Its great that you are constantly getting further education in your field. I wish there were more opportunities like that for my religious studies degree, lol. I hope that your mom does okay living on her own, at least you are near by for her if she needs you.

    Kendall - when I was a newly turned 21 year old I was a dj in a country bar. I ran the line dance class music and music on the weekends. If the bars are full it can be fun!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Last chance workout was okay. Ventured into the weight room for the first time. Yes, the first time. I seriously need to add some strength training to my routine, so I did a circuit around the weight machines. Might be in a bit of pain tomorrow, especially the upper body, as it's still pretty weak. Did that for about 30ish minutes, then did 5K on the octane fitness machine. Didn't work myself out as hard as I thought I would, but was glad I mixed things up a bit. Completely back on schedule tomorrow again!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kettleball was so brutal I didn't even last 20 minutes. I got real shakey. I sat down for 2-3 minutes, tried to stand up and was still shakey so I walked out of the class. Thankfully I was closest to the door. I went out in the lobby and sunk into the couch with my head in my hands. A girl named Julie who works there came over and checked on me. She got me a wet towel and a peanut butter nutrigrain bar. She also went back in the class and grabbed my water. Shes so nice.

    I checked my hrm after spending a good 15 minutes on the couch....apparently I bent my wrist back too far cause the watch had stopped at 18 minutes. (honestly though it was about right) I burned almost 300 cals.

    I'm still kinda shakey but I'm sure its cause my muscles are screaming at me.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    poor kendal. do you think it was maybe your blood sugar or over exertion? i hope you feel better.

    i had a good day to day. my eating was good and i even worked about 2 cups of fruit in at a snack. i think in a little bit i am going to work out once my tummy digests dinner some. i dont wanna get sick. i did some yoga last night and the warrior 3 pose kicked my behind good. between the yoga (which also included planks and side kneeling planks which werent so hard. i actually enjoyed the planks.) and the squats and jumping jacks from the 30 day shred (which also kicked my butt) my thighs still feel like jello and hurt a little. here is my check in for today so far i will edit if and when i exercise to up date my numbers.

    Totals 1,513
    Daily Goal 1,900
    Remaining 387
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: NEW THREAD EVERYONE :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: