Eating Back Exercise Calories on big burn days

KettleTO Posts: 144 Member
I eat back my exercise calories earned midweek at the gym over lunch. Now that weather is nice I have been doing longer outdoor cardio workouts (biking or walking for at least 2 hrs) on the weekends and burning at least 1000 calories(HRM) on both Saturday and Sunday. I struggle to eat back so many calories especially on Sunday when I am eating at home. I have been finding myself hungry on Mondays and going over my daily allotment plus small burn from weight training. I figure as long as I don't eat more than my deficit from the weekend it should be okay. Would you agree?

How do other people handle this?


  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    I only eat back my exercise calories if I'm starving, otherwise, I leave it be. If you're not hungry on your big burn days, don't worry about it.
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    I look at things on a week by week basis since the body isn't working on a magical 24-hour clock. You'll have days where you could eat like a horse and days where you'll nibble.

    In my initial 60lbs lost run I found that how I performed on a week or 2-week basis was an indicator of what progress (or lack of it) was to come. I also found that on big burn days my hunger wasn't all that, but it seemingly caught up with me in the following days.

    My 100% rest days are usually the worst for hunger. :)