I geuss you get what you ask for...or not...

I have a neat little app on my ipod beside the one for MFP that helps me make "smart" eating choices when having to choose off a fast food menu. I try not to go out very often but when you get caught out at food time and no way to get home (and someone else is driving the car) sometimes you have to make the best of a burger joint. Today as I was standing in line at McDonalds I was contemplating my menu items to equal 500 cal and no more then 600. I REALLY wanted an iced coffee so I found a tasty sounding one that was only 200 cal. (I don't normally drink coffee, and when I do I normally make it myself, so I didn't really know what these drinks are supposed to look like.) I ordered my "healthy" grilled chicken classic w/ no mayo and a small iced caramel latte. When my food arrived I had a yummy looking blended treat in front of me. Thinking this is what I ordered I drank up, by the time I had finished the 12 oz frozen drink my friend made the comment about how good they where to only be 200 cal. (she had gotten one as well) That comment got me thinking and I looked up at the real menu and realized my mistake, I was given the caramel Frappe- a couple quick clicks revealed that this little 12oz drink was 480 CALORIES!!!! I almost gagged. So my fast food dieting lesson for today is make sure you actually receive excactly what you order, and cross reference the menus to be sure.


  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    Damn you, McDonalds!!
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    yeah fast food, well any restaurant is a hazard for me. Those good looking salads they make look so healthy, hmm well i learned not to beieve that when i got home and checked a calorie count and it was outrageous. I don't remember the specifics now it has been a long time since i have eaten anything but what i already know is ok in a restaurant.
  • SassyMissDasha
    I always look on the website to see how many calories what has before I go out to a place and order, we went to Applebee's for mother's day ..and I got one of their under 500 calorie meals, because I looked it up online before hand. It was amazing! Sorry they gave you the wrong drink .. evil ..