
Hi every one iam new to this sight...So far its going pretty good....Iam 3 weeks postpartum from my 3 child and i have a goal of 25lbs to lose....iam doint the 30 day shred iam on my 3rd day any one else doing the shred??...


  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    Welcome!! You're gonna love this site!! I know there are a lot of people on here that do 30-Day Shred....however, this time of night it is a ghost town around here! LOL! I'm in Mtn time so it is only 11:15 here!
  • calicowgirl0582
    Welcome! I just bought the 30-day shred, but I need to get some weights. I am planning to wait till Monday to start since that is when I finish the detox, I really am struggling to get in enough protein, so want to wait till I add chicken back into my diet.
  • sumblondchic
    Hey I am doing the shred and just began level 2 today! Its a great workout and Im already seeing results. I got it because I wanted something to help me get into bikini shape quickly for my upcoming vacation. Its tough, but its only 27 minutes of your life, so I push myself through it. Its much easier than going to the gym for hours! Good luck, let us know how you like it! :)
  • monmcb
    monmcb Posts: 35 Member
    Congrats to you on your newest addition and welcome aboard! Ive been on this site for about 2 weeks now and i love it! Feel free to add me as one of your friends, we here to support and be support and together we can do this!
  • marlo6912
    marlo6912 Posts: 9
    Welcome! I just bought the 30-day shred, but I need to get some weights. I am planning to wait till Monday to start since that is when I finish the detox, I really am struggling to get in enough protein, so want to wait till I add chicken back into my diet.

    great let me tell u the 30ds is harddddddd....on day 3 my legs and arms were burning i didnt want to continue but i definitley pushed through and finished that night s work out...
  • marlo6912
    marlo6912 Posts: 9
    Hey I am doing the shred and just began level 2 today! Its a great workout and Im already seeing results. I got it because I wanted something to help me get into bikini shape quickly for my upcoming vacation. Its tough, but its only 27 minutes of your life, so I push myself through it. Its much easier than going to the gym for hours! Good luck, let us know how you like it! :)

    Thats great how much weight have u lost.....nowing ppl are seeing results gives me motivation..:)
  • onyxlibra7
    onyxlibra7 Posts: 93
    Hi! I have the shred and alot of us are starting it on Sunday and Monday I think...Welcome! So glad to have u here =D
  • marlo6912
    marlo6912 Posts: 9
    Congrats to you on your newest addition and welcome aboard! Ive been on this site for about 2 weeks now and i love it! Feel free to add me as one of your friends, we here to support and be support and together we can do this!

  • onyxlibra7
    onyxlibra7 Posts: 93
    Oh..u'll lose inches moreso than lbs bc with the shred u build alot of muscle which is EXCELLENT!!! =D
  • marlo6912
    marlo6912 Posts: 9
    Oh..u'll lose inches moreso than lbs bc with the shred u build alot of muscle which is EXCELLENT!!! =D
    yea thats what ive been hearing a lot of well as long as results are shown iam fine with that...lol