Newbie gym routine help

Hi there! last week i joined a 24h gym.. i enjoy going, but am a bit aimless.... i had a free PT session that was fantastic but i cant afford to hire him regularly. i have been going everyday, doing the exercises i remember him showing me but i was wondering if anyone here could point me to a site that gives you a routine to do, or if someone could jot one down for me? i want to do cardio, weights and abs. i am female and new to the gym world :)

have a fantastic night :)


  • Imperfect_Angel
    Imperfect_Angel Posts: 220 Member
    My gym created a free programme for me which they review every month to check my progress or to make it much harder. It's almost like a PT thing but without the trainer. It's brilliant. Anyway, I'm on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes but I run for 2 minutes at 8 mph then walk for a minute at 4 mph 0 gradient. I repeat this till my time is up. After that I go on the elliptical for 20-30 minutes, doing the same thing & alternating at speed 12 & 14. After that I use the stationary rowing machine & row at 500m intervals 4 times. I also got given a weight lifting routine....not too heavy as I'm just starting out but I have to do at least 15 minutes of weights with my every session

    People are different. This works for me & I'm quite happy with it. Good luck
  • OmegaAlpha007
    OmegaAlpha007 Posts: 70 Member
    Jamie Eason 12 week program :)
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    I have a p/t
    plus i use this and make my own

    anyone can add me