

  • Tialia
    Tialia Posts: 1 Member
    I really appreciate you post.Great saying
  • badgerbabs
    badgerbabs Posts: 49 Member
    Protein? That's going to be hard. I love eating meat that I can't stop eating meat once I tried. When I was young all I could eat is just bread and meat. I only limit my intake of meat, two years ago. And until now when I see a roasted chicken at the dinning table I tend to eat all of it. (The whole chicken)

    Go right ahead and eat meat!!! You CANNOT build muscle without protein. If you're working out, you should probably be getting at least 100g of complete protein a day. Unless you're a really dedicated vegetarian, it's hard to get enough complete protein in your diet - it can be done, of course, but it ain't easy. If you're craving meat, you're probably craving protein. If you want the whole danged chicken, go right ahead - log the calories, of course - but try to have enough willpower to remove the skin first. :)

    When I go to "events" that provide food, I look for the lean protein and veggie stuff first, and try to fill up on those. It makes it much easier to say no to the gooey stuff. Or at least to limit myself to a taste... :)
  • badgerbabs
    badgerbabs Posts: 49 Member
    One last thing: Instead of plain water, try drinking a fancy "designer" water with a wedge of lime. Or just plain club soda if that's what you have. The carbonation tends to fill up your stomach, and somehow that fancy water seems more substantial.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Personal tip and may sound super strange, but try brushing your teeth. Whenever I get a craving for something naughty then I brush my teeth with very minty toothpaste. Super cravings, I use mouthwash too. I have no idea why, but it seems to work. As soon as I'm done the craving is totally gone. Maybe worth a try?

    What's done is done and you can't undo it, you'll just have to try and recompense with either topping up on some exercise or focus on a really good rest of week. We all have bad days, it's ok, you're not going to put on 20lb for it!

    This is totally NOT weird, and 100% works! I also brush my teeth if I need to feel motivated to workout. A fresh mouth makes you feel productive!!

    Floss, too. Once you put that much work into taking care of your teeth, you aren't going to want them to get dirty again. And the toothpaste mint numbs your tongue and makes everything seem unappetizing.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Eat some substantial protein NOW. The carbs are triggering more hunger. More carbs won't answer that. Only protein will.
  • mcbriderosejennifer
    You are still okay, this shouldn't be a matter of oh goodness you've eaten like a crazy woman but more
    So of being aware of food choices and habits. I knew coming into the weekend it was going to be a tough one but I'm choosing not to beat myself up over the endulgence of the weekend. I know Monday is coming again, I'm getting back on track but in the mean time it's just eating not gorging. Start fresh Monday and then plan to set yourself up better for the next weekend. You can't discourage yourself by saying all is lost, I have failed. Just stop now and be done :)