Found out yesterday I have 'Diastasis Recti' :-(

edited January 24 in Motivation and Support
I have been thinking for a while something wasnt right and I did some reaserch and found that it is most probably Diastasis Recti, so took myself along to the doctors who has confirmed it and now I have been refered to physio to try and close it with specific exercises and if that doesnt work it will be the surgery route! :-/

For those of you who dont know what 'Diastasis Recti' is, it is when certain stomach mucsles dont close back together as they should after having a baby. It is very common but they do normaly close on their own, where as mine hasnt.


  • Shirlls123
    Shirlls123 Posts: 65 Member
    Sorry to hear that, I hope they close over with physio exercises and you don't have to get surgery. I know someone who had that and physio closed the muscles over again with no surgery so hope it is the same for you. x
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Oh that's no good :( Let's hope that the physio works then. Surgery would be unpleasant, I'm sure.

    I had a very minor separation after having my daughter. I haven't had it checked recently though, I'm assuming it rectified itself!
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