Calorie allowances from exercise - To Use or Not To Use?!



  • johnp1732
    johnp1732 Posts: 32 Member
    I can't figure out what to eat though to get all those calories back.
    For example, last night I went out for a walk/run/stagger and came back and found i needed to eat about 900 calories to 'catch up' and get near 1200 net for the day. And that's after eating about 1200 for the day before the walk.

    My SO is concerned I'm eating so much and I haven't lost any weight. (I've gained another 3 lbs since Sat. --- grrr...)

    I walked past a subway, Dominos, and grocery store last night. I was glad i didn't have any money with because I didn't know if I was going to get a large pizza (deep dish with 2x pepperoni), a 12" sub, or just pick up a small roasted chicken and devour that to make up my calories.

    So, what do I eat?
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I can't figure out what to eat though to get all those calories back.
    For example, last night I went out for a walk/run/stagger and came back and found i needed to eat about 900 calories to 'catch up' and get near 1200 net for the day. And that's after eating about 1200 for the day before the walk.

    My SO is concerned I'm eating so much and I haven't lost any weight. (I've gained another 3 lbs since Sat. --- grrr...)

    I walked past a subway, Dominos, and grocery store last night. I was glad i didn't have any money with because I didn't know if I was going to get a large pizza (deep dish with 2x pepperoni), a 12" sub, or just pick up a small roasted chicken and devour that to make up my calories.

    So, what do I eat?

    Do you have a heart rate monitor?


    I just poked through your diary, I don't know how the fitbit works but wouldn't it track your exercise so you don't also have to log it thus double dipping... also, if it doesn't and you need to also log your exercise, a lot of what you've logged in the last few days looks rather high to me so I suspect you aren't burning as much as you think.

    If the fit bit won't report your exercise calories, I strongly suggest getting a heart rate monitor. Also, maybe have some fruit with breakfast rather than the juice so you get some fiber and feel fuller longer...
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 266 Member
    I don't eat my calories back, so if I go a little over with something I have eaten, e.g. can't measure my jacket potato I have at work - if it is slightly overweight, I am not going over my calorie allowance. If you see what I mean :blushing:
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I can't figure out what to eat though to get all those calories back.
    For example, last night I went out for a walk/run/stagger and came back and found i needed to eat about 900 calories to 'catch up' and get near 1200 net for the day. And that's after eating about 1200 for the day before the walk.

    My SO is concerned I'm eating so much and I haven't lost any weight. (I've gained another 3 lbs since Sat. --- grrr...)

    I walked past a subway, Dominos, and grocery store last night. I was glad i didn't have any money with because I didn't know if I was going to get a large pizza (deep dish with 2x pepperoni), a 12" sub, or just pick up a small roasted chicken and devour that to make up my calories.

    So, what do I eat?

    If I have 900 left over, I eat whatever I want that is 900 calories. I worked hard and I deserve it. Your body needs to refuel or it will freak out.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I don't have a heart rate monitor, so I really truly don't know how many calories I am burning. Whether the figure I log be from MFP, the machine I use or from a formula (for the 30 day shred), I really don't know if it's accurate. So, I don't eat mine back really. I have a deficit of 1500, and on days I excercise I might eat at 1530 or so, but I really don't eat much more.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    i eat most of mine back just because 1200 isnt enough for me. however if i was really stuffed and did a lot of exercise that day i wouldnt sweat about not eating all of them back

    and i use a food scale and html for work outs
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    I always eat mine back. Look at my ticker and make of that what you will. Your body wants fuel. It's like a car. You expect the car to move further on a day when you're exercising so you need more fuel to get there.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    No, I don't eat the extra calories. I agree with a previous post and think it is counter-productive. The point of exercise, for me at this time, is to create a calorie deficit to help me lose.

    As Faye_Anderson already said, MFP builds a deficit into your allowance , so if you don't eat back your exercise calories you are creating too large a deficit.

    I agree - It's surprising the number of people who have no idea how MFP works .....

    I eat 100% of my calories back because I am trying to reduce body FAT. Yes, I could lose "weight" faster by not eating calories back because I would be losing a fair amount of MUSCLE mass in the process.

    NOT eating exercise calories makes exercise "counter-productive" ...... why burn more calories..... just to burn additional muscle mass. I thought a main point of exercise while dieting was to keep muscle.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    MFP is a NEAT method calculator which means that exercise is extra activity which is why MFP adds calories to your calorie GOAL when you log exercise. That activity needs to be fueled. Pretty much if you are not, you can kiss whatever LBM you have good bye, especially with an already very low calorie intake.

    I still can't believe how many people are so completely ignorant of how MFP works...and what the definition of GOAL is.
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    For a long time I was eating 1200-1500 calories a day and did not eat back exercise calories - and it did me in. My metabolism slowed down - I went to doctors telling them my metabolism was broken and I was starving all the time. I lost tons of muscle. No one could understand why or tell me what was wrong. And all the weight I lost came back.

    Moral to the story - listen to the people that say don't net less than 1200 calories a day - eat back your exercise calories. The idea here is to make this a LASTING change, something you can continue for the rest of your life. Would you rather be able to eat maintenance at 2,000+ calories a day or at 1200 calories a day? By the way - if you eat back your exercise calories, you can have pizza when you want to :)
  • XoXoLJFitness
    I eat them back. The recommended calories is 2400 (I know this varies slightly) but when you are trying to loose weight you are already at half the recommended daily calories of 1200 which is why you are expected to loose weight even without exercise. Going below 1200 will slow down your metabolism and your body needs that extra energy your burned to repair itself; not being counterproductive because I am sure you build muscle during your workout and gave your heat a stellar run for its money!
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I have always been told that if you are hungry after you work out, then your metabolism is working properly. If you workout and your are not, your metabolism is damaged. I am sure that is not 100 percent of time but I am not chancing it. Generally I am starving after I workout. I always eat and I always lose.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    For months I was eating them back but not losing weight. About three weeks ago I stopped eating them back - I'm staying within my 1200/daily and I've lost almost seven pounds. I've decided that the eat-back method does not work for me.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    During the weight loss phase I ate back a minimum of 2/3rds of my exercise calories to allow for MFP's overestimation. Currently I'm eating at a TDEE calculated on another site and tweaked up or down as needed to maintain my weight. I don't need to eat back exercise calories because they've already been taken into account.

    While it didn't take very long to realize that MFP was overestimating my burn from exercise, I never considered not eating back exercise calories at all. As a reforming couch potato in my late 50s I'd already lost some muscle mass, just from carelessness, and eating at too large of a calorie deficit would have cost me more. It's hard enough to build muscle when you're young. Try doing it when you're 8 or 9 years post menopausal. Also, while I didn't think about it at the time, I think what I did to conserve my muscle mass - a moderate calorie deficit, plenty of protein, and regular strength training - also helped a lot with the recovery of my skin. It's about 98% snapped back after losing almost a third of my starting weight. Not bad considering how late in life I lost it.
  • loripullum
    loripullum Posts: 1
    Thanks that answers my question:smile:
  • nminden
    nminden Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you all for your contributions to my question. I'm new to this site and am astounded by the quick response of so many friends.
    It became an amazing and helpful discussion with so much valuable input. Thank you!!!
  • smr071165
    smr071165 Posts: 4
    I'm also very new to the site. I can tell from the discussions that I really need to find out how it works much better. It was my understanding when I signed up, that based on my mostly sedentary work-style, I should be at 1200 calories. And that if I add in extra exercise, it would be a good thing. Not make it so that I have to eat more.
    I'm trying to learn how to eat healthy. I have a 2 egg omelet with 1 pc of toast for breakfast (about 300 calories), a really big salad for lunch (about 100 calories), which leaves me with 800 calories for the rest of the day. I try to have a snack of unsalted peanuts, or something like that. But I still struggle with getting to the 1200 calories more days than most. To top if off, I'm also trying to learn how to eat fewer carbs.
    So, I never eat back my exercise calories...there just isn't enough room in my stomach for another 200-400 calories! Or enough time in the day to get it all in.

    Please don't beat me up, I'm trying to learn and some of the posts seem a bit harsh to this newbie.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I'm also very new to the site. I can tell from the discussions that I really need to find out how it works much better. It was my understanding when I signed up, that based on my mostly sedentary work-style, I should be at 1200 calories. And that if I add in extra exercise, it would be a good thing. Not make it so that I have to eat more.
    I'm trying to learn how to eat healthy. I have a 2 egg omelet with 1 pc of toast for breakfast (about 300 calories), a really big salad for lunch (about 100 calories), which leaves me with 800 calories for the rest of the day. I try to have a snack of unsalted peanuts, or something like that. But I still struggle with getting to the 1200 calories more days than most. To top if off, I'm also trying to learn how to eat fewer carbs.
    So, I never eat back my exercise calories...there just isn't enough room in my stomach for another 200-400 calories! Or enough time in the day to get it all in.

    Please don't beat me up, I'm trying to learn and some of the posts seem a bit harsh to this newbie.

    Ummm .... 100 calorie lunch .....why?

    Add some full fat salad dressing .... 1 TABLESPOON is 100 calories ... add some avocado (OR a handful of nuts, OR a sprinkle of cheese) .... at least another 100. FAT is good for you..... it's not something to be afraid of. 2 tablespoons of a calorie dense food is not going to make you "too full"

    Don't eat your calories if you CHOOSE .... but muscle tissue loss is terrible for your metabolism.
  • KMel30
    KMel30 Posts: 1 Member
    Definitely eat them back... you are supposed to net 1200 to lose the weight based on the information you gave them. No one should ever eat less than 1200 calories p/day, your body will go into starvation mode and you'll end up either not losing or gaining.
  • m3x43
    m3x43 Posts: 40

    I'm also very new to the site. I can tell from the discussions that I really need to find out how it works much better. It was my understanding when I signed up, that based on my mostly sedentary work-style, I should be at 1200 calories. And that if I add in extra exercise, it would be a good thing. Not make it so that I have to eat more.
    I'm trying to learn how to eat healthy. I have a 2 egg omelet with 1 pc of toast for breakfast (about 300 calories), a really big salad for lunch (about 100 calories), which leaves me with 800 calories for the rest of the day. I try to have a snack of unsalted peanuts, or something like that. But I still struggle with getting to the 1200 calories more days than most. To top if off, I'm also trying to learn how to eat fewer carbs.
    So, I never eat back my exercise calories...there just isn't enough room in my stomach for another 200-400 calories! Or enough time in the day to get it all in.

    Please don't beat me up, I'm trying to learn and some of the posts seem a bit harsh to this newbie.

    I am new to this site also and had no idea that not eating the exercise allowance could cost me muscle mass. Now I do and thanks to all for that info. And I agree about the harsh remarks but they have taught me to be sure I share what I learn in the future with kindness.