Feeling down

Does anyone know what i could be doing wrong. I stay with in my calories and i work out like crazy and i seem to be gaining weight. i am up 2 pounds from when i first started. This is not starting off to be a good morning. Any comments are appreciated just want to get this weight down. And NO i am not pregnant. LOL! thought i should put that out there.


  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    If you're not pregnant, maybe TOM?

    If you've just started exercising, it takes a while for the muscles to get used to the new routine. I think there is a build up of something in the muscles when you start exercising.

    Also, are you watching your sodium intake. The extra "weight" could be due to water retention.

    If you are eating a good balanced diet, drinking plenty of water and exercising then you will see the weight fall off eventually. Sometimes it takes a bit of time, but the key is to knowing that it will happen. Just keep at it and enjoy your new healthy lifestyle - you will have the figure to show it soon!
  • Firefrog76
    Firefrog76 Posts: 45
    That's right! Just keep on doing what you're doing, stick with it and it'll come!
    Also, don't weigh yourself all the time, the body fluctuates a pound or two over the course of a day depending on many factors. Pick one day a week and weigh that morning after you get up and go to the bathroom and before you eat or drink anything! Or if weighing isreally getting you down, don't weigh for a month!
  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    When did you first start? I agree with the other ladies, watch the sodium and its probably water. If you keep up what you are doing you will probably get a nice surprise soon :D
  • Moolieloo
    Moolieloo Posts: 28 Member
    I'm right there with ya! I've been so good all week, wake up super early to work out, do my best at that, and this morning I weighed and I'm up a pound from where I was last week. Grrr. It happens to all of us, I guess. Gotta keep our heads up!
  • chocolaty68
    chocolaty68 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank all of you I need this, because I was going to cry. I have been on and off for the past month with the working out. But I have just recently started to go hard. I walk everyday and just start to add some jogging since my son runs track. So this morning after weighing in I just felt real bad. I drink 10 cups a water a day and I do try and watch my sodium intake because in my amily we retain water. But once again thank all of you I will keep pushing at it.
  • pjdksmith
    pjdksmith Posts: 2
    maybe muscle? maybe you have to increase your protein intake *more than 100gm/day* and decrease carbs? Workout to a different routine.. if you walk; try biking; if you bike try swimming.. try something TOTALLY different to shock your body.
    Increase your water intake; and watch your sodium
    I've been there; done that.. its frustrating.. don't let it get you down.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    If you've just started exercising, it takes a while for the muscles to get used to the new routine. I think there is a build up of something in the muscles when you start exercising.

    Yep, if you work hard, even if you sweat, muscles retain water or some sort of fluid to rebuilt themselves. I've been there: every morning after a fun, but hard aerobic class, I would weight more :noway:. I suspected it would have something to do with the muscles retaining fluid, then read it somewhere. Made me feel a whole lot better! :smile:.

    Don't give up and don't expect overnight miracles. Try to reach the point where workouts are refreshing and giving you a better state of mind, rather than exhausting you (talking about the feeling after or the next day and not about pushing it to the limits a lill' bit :wink:). Take it slow and stay confident. Don't deprive yourself of food, but also don't trade some lean meat/good cheese for a cheese cake or ice cream. Have those on occasion, but rather as a reward.

    You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • Reign
    Reign Posts: 87 Member
    Just keep going...you will get there. Make sure you are drinking water and eating at least 1200 calories a day, and try to eat every 3 hours, or your metabolism can slow down. Do not give up. It can be frustrating, but you can do it. Feel free to add me as a support friend, if you would like.