Another Calorie intake question

CatRodger Posts: 105
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
going out for a chinese tomorrow as its my anniversary, but im guessing this will prob tale me around 50cals over my allowance,
but these last few days ive been about 100 sometimes 180 under, will this weigh itself out in the week, or is daily allowance just that ?

Perhaps I just need to accept im going to be over, guess I nest get to the gym tomorrow afternoon and work up some extra calories :D


  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    Yes, maybe work out a little bit more to earn that 50 back?
  • Eliannasmom
    Eliannasmom Posts: 55 Member
    Should all even out, but extra gym time never hurts. Also watch out for high salt and MSG as this will retain the water which will make you feel heavier than you are!
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    It's okay to just enjoy a treat sometimes too!! Have fun:happy:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Should all even out, but extra gym time never hurts. Also watch out for high salt and MSG as this will retain the water which will make you feel heavier than you are!

    I agree with this. Make sure to drink extra water and not weight yourself right away. Then you should be fine.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Have a great anniversary. Some suggestions - try eating only 1/2 of the meal or "share a meal" with DH. It will make the calorie intake more reasonable. Drink lots of water. Don't panic if the scale is up a few pounds for a few days - it's water retention and should even out in a few days. Remember, this is a lifestyle change and it is realistic to go out sometimes. I eat out several times a week and have still been successful. Enjoy.
  • CatRodger
    CatRodger Posts: 105
    Will prob have to do the gym before the chinese :D me and DH have different tastes LOL I opt for prawn curry and egg fried rice ( although I pick out the Veg dnt like soggy veg ) where he has chow mein and noodles etc.

    The downfall will be the prawn crackers and Prawn Balls :S

    Will go gym and try burn about 200 cals haha then that will feed up without feeling guilty.

    Cat x
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