More than one rest day

jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok so a little back story of me.... I have lost 131 lbs in about 15 months. In those 15 months I have only taken approximately 45-48 days off TOTAL from working out ( there have been a few weeks where i did not take a day off from working out). My workouts are normally 2.5 -3 hours long a day. I am leaving on vacation today and already knew that I would have trouble getting in all my workouts. Some people i have talked to say that I should just take those 4 days off from working out to kinda "reset" my body. I am only 9 lbs from my goal weight so I am sooooo close but the weight loss has been at a standstill for about 2-3 weeks. What are your guys' thoughts on taking 4 days off? Do you think it will help to rest my body ( i have been feeling extremely fatigued and tire the past couple weeks) or should i try to workout while i am out of town?


  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    First off CONGRATS on your weight look amazing!!! I am not a pro but I feel the 4 days you will be gone will not only reset your body but your mind as well. It will let you refocus on what your goals are. You will have a better attitude about everything including your weight loss!!
    Enjoy your days off and enjoy the Holiday!!

  • First of all, 131 pounds is amazing!!! Congratz:flowerforyou: I think you should listen to your body- if you are feeling tired and fatigued and you know it isn't just because of a good workout- rest. Keep watching your calories. Maybe your body just needs a day or two to recover. If you are feeling better during your vacation then pick back up on your workouts. Many hotels have gyms, you could go hiking, or even for a walk. Good Luck with the other 9 pounds! I know you can do it!
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    Congratulations on losing 131 lbs! That's awesome!
    If you've been stuck the last couple of weeks I think it would be good to take off a few days- just to keep your body guessing. Just remember to watch your calories. If you'll be eating out while you're away you will have to pick the foods with low fat and calories etc, and in particularl watch the sodium (if you can) because that can be an issue with food that is not prepared at home.
    I say enjoy a few days off exercise, relax and when you come back you'll be wanting to hit that gym again!
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    Wow - you've accomplished an amazing feat! Seems to me that you have this lifestyle completely ingrained into your mind and body to have achieved what you have achieved, so if you're feeling fatigue, you should take the break, because there's little cause to think you won't be right back to your exercise regime when you come back feeling renewed and refreshed!

    I'm so very impressed with your commitment to your health.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    holy WOW Mama! 131 pounds is AWESOME! You've been keeping up quite the pace and it seems like your body is telling you that it needs a little R&R and what a perfect time...a take some rest. If you feel the need to move while there, take a long stroll, a hike, a swim...but overall, let your body rest. You'll be so surprised how refreshed and rejuvenated your body feels and how much more effective your workouts are when you get back. Enjoy your success and look forward to getting those last 9 pounds off when you get back! :bigsmile:

    Have a great time! :glasses:
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Thanks you guys! You all seem to agree that taking a few days rest will not be detrimental to my weight loss. I am gonna take your guys' advice and enjoy the days off and come back refreshed and get back into the grind on Wednesday morning!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Enjoy your rest days! You have done so amazing. :heart:
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