Advice on calories to consume for TDEE -20% and fast days.

Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
Ok, so I am going to try TDEE-20%. I used scooby's calculator to help me. As I do two fast days at around 600 cals, on my other days my goal is around 1800, which seems a lot to me, but I am going to try it and see what happens. I will be eating exercise calories too , or at least some of them . What do you think? Is this a good plan? Any advice welcome! I have 11lbs left to goal weight , or at least what I think should be my goal weight.


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    First, if you are basing your cals on TDEE, you don't eat back exercise cals (assuming what you calculated was actually TDEE...).

    Second, how are you balancing your 2 fast days with the 5 "feed" days based on that TDEE-20% number?
  • Ladyinwaiting4
    Ladyinwaiting4 Posts: 202 Member
    Whenever I input my calories I post the same stats on scoobysworkshop I keep getting different numbers.

    height 5"4
    Age 38

    current weight 180
    body fat 35%

    work out level not sure I work out 5 days a week for 25 minuets is this moderate

    tdee want to do at least a 15% cut on it. right now I am doing the metabolic reset .
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you are mixing up two different methods for calorie reduction. either do TDEE -20% or do 5:2 fasting.

    dont do both.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    I used Scooby's TDEE calculator and put the activity level in as desk job with little exercise. I suppose this is not strictly TDEE. This gave me the total for the week. I then took off my fast day calories then divided the remaining calories by 5 to work out my calories for the other 5 days.
    As my exercise level can change from week to week I thought it would be better to add on the exercise calories in this way.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I used Scooby's TDEE calculator and put the activity level in as desk job with little exercise. I suppose this is not strictly TDEE. This gave me the total for the week. I then took off my fast day calories then divided the remaining calories by 5 to work out my calories for the other 5 days.
    As my exercise level can change from week to week I thought it would be better to add on the exercise calories in this way.

    but the 5:2 methodology is to eat at maintnenace 5 days and 500 cals the other 2, which creates the deficit. doing it on TDEE-20% means you are creating a deficit twice.

    you also said you were on your last 11lbs, so you should only be aiming for a loss of TDEE-10%/15% anyway!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I used Scooby's TDEE calculator and put the activity level in as desk job with little exercise. I suppose this is not strictly TDEE. This gave me the total for the week. I then took off my fast day calories then divided the remaining calories by 5 to work out my calories for the other 5 days.
    As my exercise level can change from week to week I thought it would be better to add on the exercise calories in this way.

    Sounds reasonable, albeit a little overcomplicated to me. But if you can do it, go for it.

    However, do you really have a desk job and get little exercise? If not, then you didn't really calculate TDEE, and your deficit will be that much bigger.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I used Scooby's TDEE calculator and put the activity level in as desk job with little exercise. I suppose this is not strictly TDEE. This gave me the total for the week. I then took off my fast day calories then divided the remaining calories by 5 to work out my calories for the other 5 days.
    As my exercise level can change from week to week I thought it would be better to add on the exercise calories in this way.

    but the 5:2 methodology is to eat at maintnenace 5 days and 500 cals the other 2, which creates the deficit. doing it on TDEE-20% means you are creating a deficit twice.

    you also said you were on your last 11lbs, so you should only be aiming for a loss of TDEE-10%/15% anyway!

    Yea, this.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Hi TavistockToad, thanks for your advice. I realise I may be complicating things using two methods, but prior to starting 5:2 I was just using MFP to calulate my daily calories, and unfortunately this will not work if you are doing 5:2. So I used the TDEE calculator to see how many calories I should be eating then divided them up through the week, taking into account the two fast days of 500.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Agreed, don't do both. I actually read an article saying that IF wasn't good for women, specifically, but is ok for men. I'll see if I can find the article and send it to you.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hi TavistockToad, thanks for your advice. I realise I may be complicating things using two methods, but prior to starting 5:2 I was just using MFP to calulate my daily calories, and unfortunately this will not work if you are doing 5:2. So I used the TDEE calculator to see how many calories I should be eating then divided them up through the week, taking into account the two fast days of 500.

    i understand that, but as i say, you are creating a deficit twice.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Hi TavistockToad, thanks for your advice. I realise I may be complicating things using two methods, but prior to starting 5:2 I was just using MFP to calulate my daily calories, and unfortunately this will not work if you are doing 5:2. So I used the TDEE calculator to see how many calories I should be eating then divided them up through the week, taking into account the two fast days of 500.

    Then don't use TDEE-20%... use TDEE.

    The 2 fast days will create the deficit for you. So if TDEE is 2000, you eat 2000 5 days a week, and 600 2 days a week, those 2 days put you in a deficit for the week. You don't need to reduce TDEE to create a deficit, the 2 fast days do it for you.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Ok, thanks. I only worked out TDEE-20% to know how much of a deficit I needed calorie wise. I haven't actually given myself a double deficit.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    Whenever I input my calories I post the same stats on scoobysworkshop I keep getting different numbers.

    height 5"4
    Age 38

    current weight 180
    body fat 35%

    work out level not sure I work out 5 days a week for 25 minuets is this moderate

    tdee want to do at least a 15% cut on it. right now I am doing the metabolic reset .

    25 minutes 5 days a week would be in the light category, as it is less than 3 hours per week...I usually go by how much time I spend working out not number of times when calculating.

    Edit to add: How much does it vary by? 20-50 cals or a few hundred? Do you change any of your input numbers when using the calculator?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Ok, thanks. I only worked out TDEE-20% to know how much of a deficit I needed calorie wise. I haven't actually given myself a double deficit.

    so you use that figure to work out how many calories you eat on the 5 feed days? and then have 2 500 cal days?
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Thanks for answering again. My TDEE -20% was 1479 ( desk job with little exercise). So I worked out the weekly calories by multiplying this by 7 which brought me to 10353 calories. I subtracted 1200 calories for my fast days which brought me to 9153 calories. Then I divided this up between the remaining 5 days which meant I should consume 1830 calories on those days. I hope this is a little clearer. Thanks for sticking with me.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks for answering again. My TDEE -20% was 1479 ( desk job with little exercise). So I worked out the weekly calories by multiplying this by 7 which brought me to 10353 calories. I subtracted 1200 calories for my fast days which brought me to 9153 calories. Then I divided this up between the remaining 5 days which meant I should consume 1830 calories on those days. I hope this is a little clearer. Thanks for sticking with me.


    well if it works for you then great!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Thanks for answering again. My TDEE -20% was 1479 ( desk job with little exercise). So I worked out the weekly calories by multiplying this by 7 which brought me to 10353 calories. I subtracted 1200 calories for my fast days which brought me to 9153 calories. Then I divided this up between the remaining 5 days which meant I should consume 1830 calories on those days. I hope this is a little clearer. Thanks for sticking with me.

    Again, as travis said... you are creating a deficit twice. Don't use TDEE - 20%, just use TDEE.

    And you're missing the bigger point. 5:2 is maintenance for 5 days, fast for 2 days. Maintenance is ~ 1775 for you. Eat 1775 for 5 days, then fast for 2 days. You're over thinking it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks for answering again. My TDEE -20% was 1479 ( desk job with little exercise). So I worked out the weekly calories by multiplying this by 7 which brought me to 10353 calories. I subtracted 1200 calories for my fast days which brought me to 9153 calories. Then I divided this up between the remaining 5 days which meant I should consume 1830 calories on those days. I hope this is a little clearer. Thanks for sticking with me.

    Again, as travis said... you are creating a deficit twice. Don't use TDEE - 20%, just use TDEE.

    And you're missing the bigger point. 5:2 is maintenance for 5 days, fast for 2 days. Maintenance is ~ 1775 for you. Eat 1775 for 5 days, then fast for 2 days. You're over thinking it.

    agree with the overthinking, but she isnt actually doing 5:2, just eating her weekly TDEE -20% calories in the style of 5:2.... i think....
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Thanks for answering again. My TDEE -20% was 1479 ( desk job with little exercise). So I worked out the weekly calories by multiplying this by 7 which brought me to 10353 calories. I subtracted 1200 calories for my fast days which brought me to 9153 calories. Then I divided this up between the remaining 5 days which meant I should consume 1830 calories on those days. I hope this is a little clearer. Thanks for sticking with me.

    Again, as travis said... you are creating a deficit twice. Don't use TDEE - 20%, just use TDEE.

    And you're missing the bigger point. 5:2 is maintenance for 5 days, fast for 2 days. Maintenance is ~ 1775 for you. Eat 1775 for 5 days, then fast for 2 days. You're over thinking it.

    agree with the overthinking, but she isnt actually doing 5:2, just eating her weekly TDEE -20% calories in the style of 5:2.... i think....

    So on the 5 feed days she's actually a bit over TDEE, then way under on the 2 fast days, so weekly cals balance out to TDEE - 20%?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks for answering again. My TDEE -20% was 1479 ( desk job with little exercise). So I worked out the weekly calories by multiplying this by 7 which brought me to 10353 calories. I subtracted 1200 calories for my fast days which brought me to 9153 calories. Then I divided this up between the remaining 5 days which meant I should consume 1830 calories on those days. I hope this is a little clearer. Thanks for sticking with me.

    Again, as travis said... you are creating a deficit twice. Don't use TDEE - 20%, just use TDEE.

    And you're missing the bigger point. 5:2 is maintenance for 5 days, fast for 2 days. Maintenance is ~ 1775 for you. Eat 1775 for 5 days, then fast for 2 days. You're over thinking it.

    agree with the overthinking, but she isnt actually doing 5:2, just eating her weekly TDEE -20% calories in the style of 5:2.... i think....

    So on the 5 feed days she's actually a bit over TDEE, then way under on the 2 fast days, so weekly cals balance out to TDEE - 20%?

    this is making my head hurt....

    she worked out a weeks worth of TDEE -20% calories, then of that figure, split it up into 2x 600 calorie days and the rest as 5 normal days.... now i think its double counting again... i didnt before!!!!