11 days til holiday, please help.

Hi, not posted before but could do with some help please. I have less than 2 weeks til I go on holiday and really want to shift 2-3 lbs before then. Over the last 3-4 weeks weight loss has inevitably slowed down and despite starting some resitance training as well as cardio I haven't noticed any real changes. In fact my stomach appears to have "grown" slightly!
Anyway, I'm considering doing a 7 day bikini diet which is very low cal, mainly spinach soup, veggies, and fruit sald, but am not sure if it will give me the weight loss I want or if there are any other short term diets I could do instead. I realise this isn't a long term solution and as soon as I return from holiday I will be eating sensibly and exercising. Will probably try to eat a bit once I get back and add in more resitance/strength work, but in the meantime I could really do with a short-term fix for my hols.


  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    Please - - there is no short term solution. You could lose a pound or two in 11 days by eating properly. Start eating sensibly and exercising now. 2 or 3 pounds is not going to spoil your holiday.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Rather than suffer on a VLCD for the next two weeks, why not just go shopping and find a swim suit that makes you feel comfortable and confident? Continue to eat a moderate deficit, avoid excess sodium and then enjoy your vacation.